Difference between BLOCK DATA and WEB ACCESS BLOCK?

Currently my account shows I have both BLOCK DATA and WEB ACCESS BLOCK in place. I did this a couple of years to prevent data charges. Works perfectly. Now I'm trying to upgrade one of my lines to a Kin Onem because of the WiFi option and when I add the phone to my shopping cart and go to the Select Features & Services Page I see a message at the bottom that says: Features We Needed To Remove (Because they're incompatible with your phones or plan) - Block Web Access.


It looks like I don't have a choice when ordering the phone, but what exactly will removing the Web Access block do? Maybe I have to turn it off anyway to use the WiFi anyway right? I just don't want to incur any data charges.


Someone please help. Thank you!

1 Reply
Contributor - Level 1
"Data block" actually blocks your phone's ability to connect to the 3g data network. What this means is your phone can't create an internet connection on a cellular network. Web Access block specifically blocks the browser/mobile web on your phone from making a connection. Unblocking mobile web will not cause your phone to be able to connect to the cellular data network (resulting in 1.99/mb charges), but will allow the browser on the kin to connect while you're using wifi.