I'm having issues with the $200 Switcher Rebate.
Enthusiast - Level 1

New Verizon mobile customer here.   Confirmed with both Verizon customer support (sales rep) and a local corporate store employee that I would be eligible for a  $200 per line switcher rebate if I decided to swap to from AT&T post paid to Verizon post paid service as long as I ported my existing/legacy AT&T numbers in (within 15 days) of turning up new service.

Purchased three phones with new lines of service in late November (2023).   Had the three phones setup with new/temporary Verizon issued phone numbers for about a week while I confirmed mobile cell service was good enough in my area to follow through with porting out and disconnecting my legacy AT&T service.

Around the first week of December, I self initiated the online port out process for all 3 phones well within the 15 day port in period.  A couple days after the port ins were complete, I submitted for the switcher rebates.   However, recently  received a response that I'm not eligible for the switcher rebate.  I've read on this support community that others have had similar issues.  Requesting similar assistance with getting this resolved.


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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

andyhi We're sorry to read about the issue you're having with redeeming your rebates. You mentioned that you received a reply denying the offer. Were there any details on that message as to why it was denied? ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 3

I have had the  same issue.  I bought 2 new phones and ported 2 lines and met all the requirements. After more than a month of waiting for the rebate validation,  it was denied.  After speaking with an agent, she confirmed that I met the requirements and that there was an error with the rebates department.  Even though they confirmed my eligibility over the phone with the rebate department, my rebate status is still “pending validation” for at least another week. Google “Verizon switcher rebate” and you’ll see that Verizon does its best to make it impossible to redeem what they promise to customers. I have 4 lines with Verizon. Quick math would tell you paying me my $300 rebate is better business than losing me as a customer, which is happening today.

Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read that you haven't received your rebate. If you have any issues after your rebate is validated, let us know, and we'll be happy to help out.
