Switcher rebate
Enthusiast - Level 1

How do you get the switcher rebate?  I’ve tried a promo code but it doesn’t work. There’s nothing on my receipt. I feel like I’ve been lied to about this. I’ve already spent 3 hours on the phone with Verizon because they had my bill inflated over $500 when I was told it would be half that. Has anyone really gotten the rebate? How did you get it?

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Good morning Evj23. We want you to have all eligible promotional offers that wi=ould include the Switch Rebate. Let's work together with a few more details.  What was purchased and when? We can guide you through the rebate process.


Enthusiast - Level 3

You are not alone. I created a post for those having challenges with accessing their rebates. I hope this helps: https://community.verizon.com/t5/Mobile-Deals/Challenges-with-switcher-rebate-Try-these-steps/m-p/17...