Problem with cellphone staying connected to my car system

My cellphone constantly needs to be reconnected to my car's bluetooth.  Sometimes the connection will remain for days; sometimes the connection will disappear mid car trip.  Sometimes I can reconnect the phone to the car before I begin a trip; sometimes I am unable to do so.  What I do know for sure, is that I did not experience any connection problem for a year, but the problem described began a few months ago.

What causes this problem?

Here are some important factors to consider: 

  • My cellphone is an Android, Moto X 2nd gen. 
  • My driving is nearly all in a major suburb of Boston; that is, a location where the cellphone coverage is excellent
  • Other devices -- such as the iPhones owned by my children -- do not experience similar problems in staying connected to my car via Bluetooth.  Hence, I am confident the problem is with the cellphone and not with the car.
  • As noted above, no problem was experienced in connecting my cell phone to the car for a full year; the problem began a couple of months ago.

Thank you.

11 Replies
Customer Service Rep


That's definitely quite odd and we want to help figure out what might be going on. You mentioned this is a recent occurrence. Since this started have there been any changes to the device such as new apps, app updates, or software updates? If so, you can uninstall some recent applications to determine if they are in conflict with the Bluetooth setting.To clarify, does it completely disconnect or does the audio simply stop or discontinue?

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Sure, I have updated various apps as requested. Don’t know which ones, and so could not feasibly uninstall any updates made over the last couple of years.

Customer Service Rep

JEFLEH87, you have been a great help with getting this back up and working. I know I use this feature to drive hands free all the time. It is needed every day. I appreciat all of the troubleshooting steps you have taken withthe other phones. Canyou please take these steps first. click . After, you have completed this step and check to see if this works, please take the next step if needed, . Please keep us posted on the results.

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I have wiped the cache on the phone and yet the connection problem remains.

The suggestion to look at updates I find untenable. I am requested to perform updates all the time and I frequently do so; I can’t possibly know what updates were performed and should be uninstalled.

I will try the Automatic Restore soon and see if that helps.

Let me say, I am not optimistic!

Customer Service Rep


Thank you for troubleshooting with us. It disappoints me to hear that you are still having issues with your bluetooth system connecting to your phone. I am confident that we can figure this out. What is the year, make and model of your vehicle? What is the software version of our Moto X (Touch Apps > Settings > About phone> System updates)?

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My MotoX 2nd gen is probably about 2 years old. It is Android version 5.1. Its system updates are processed.

As I have replied elsewhere, I have tried two solutions (excluding the solution of unpairing the phone and my car Bluetooth and then re-pairing them). Those two solutions are wiping the cache and performing a factory reset. Wiping the cache did not work, because after doing so I still experienced sporadic loss of connection from the car’s Bluetooth to the phone. Whether the factory reset has resolved the problem is still unknown. I will pronounce the factory reboot as a solution if I am able to drive for some extended period (say three weeks) without the car Bluetooth losing connection to my cell phone.

Needless to say, one must be very careful in performing a factory reset, by ensuring that important matters such as contact lists, etc. are first saved to the cloud so that they can be re-installed after the reset has occurred.

Meanwhile, I am going to be much less receptive to responding to my phone’s request for various updates of apps … just in case one of the updates was the root cause of the sporadic connection problem.

At any rate, I will let you know within three weeks if the factory reset solution works: less than three weeks if the connection problem recurs (meaning the factory reset solution proposed by Verizon has not worked) or in three weeks (if I have no connection problems during the three weeks, at which point I will authorize you to show that the proposed solution worked).

Right now, the proposed solution of factory reset is still in process.

Customer Service Rep

JEFLEH87, we appreciate you getting back to us. As I know that we all need to be hands free these days, I totally understand you needing to use this for some time and test it before we are confident that all is well. Please know that we will be right here if you need us and thank you for being a safe driver and the best part of Verizon Wireless.

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Proposed solution (factory reset) does not solve the problem.

Customer Service Rep

This leaves us unsatisfied as well to see that our plan did not fall into place, JEFLEH87. This leads us next to inquire on the vehicles hands free system. Yes the system has no issues with other devices, but it would be beneficial to consult with the car technician to verify the firmware is up-to-date within the vehicle.

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Updating anything from car’s navigation system – and that includes Bluetooth – is quite expensive and so not a solution I am going to pursue.

I have found that I can establish a connection before each car trip by expedient of: (1) turning off my cell phone; (2) turning back on my cell phone; and (3) turning to Bluetooth menus on both my cell phone and my car’s navigation system and waiting for them to reconnect. Of course, the problem with these three steps is that I do not always have time to perform the steps … and sometimes I forget to perform the steps until I am already on my trip, at which time it is too late to perform the steps safely.

Why those steps work is a mystery to me.

All in all, the commencement of the connection problem is aggravating.


I have performed the Factory Reset you suggested.

If I have no connection problems in, say, the next three weeks, I will be willing to say that the suggestion solved the problem. Given, however, that the connection problem has been sporadic (rather than constant), I am unwilling to say that the suggestion solves the connection problem until I have an extended period of driving time with no recurrence of the connection problem.
