Why don't I receive texts when I am in Europe?

Enthusiast - Level 3

I get text msgs from regular contacts but I never received "verification" texts from either Hangouts or Microsoft when they required codes.  My phone is a VZ Moto X Pure and I also have Msg+ installed on it and my Nexus7 tablet. I use Msg+ exclusively in the US and don't remember having this issue, but I am on vacation and my brain may be also. Thanks in advance for any help.

1 Solution
Customer Service Rep

Thank you for the additional details, daisysdad. The issue with the short code text messages not going through unless there's a cellular connection. That is the reason that the tablet can get all other text messages but not the short code message that you reproduce when changing the password. Short code messages are only delivered to the mobile number while it is connected to the cellular network. Your tablet will receive all standard texts and picture messages that are received on the phone. I hope this helps clarify the reason that the tablet does not receive the short code texts but every other text message.


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6 Replies
Customer Service Rep

daisysdad, we want to ensure you're able to receive all of your texts while on vacation. I welcome the opportunity to address your inquiry. While we can definitely troubleshoot issues with your Message+ application, 3rd party apps would be supported by the app developer. Verification codes are often sent from a premium SMS code (like a 4 - 6 digit short code) number. Do you know if you've blocked Premium SMS messages from being received on your device? Do you get an error message from the 3rd party application advising that the message cannot be sent?


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Thanks for your response. 

I reproduced the text message that I didn't receive while on my recent trip (I'm back in the USA now), by changing my Hotmail password.  I received a text from a sender with a 6-digit code, which is what you suspected, and it appeared in VZ Msg+ on my cell phone, which is now connected to the network, but it DID NOT appear in VZ Msg+ on my Nexus7 tablet, which is only connected on WiFi.  This was the same behavior I got in Europe, where both my phone & tablet were connected by WiFi only.

I have no idea if I've blocked Premium messages (I can't find a setting with that term), and I've gotten no error messages from the sender.

Customer Service Rep

We want all your messages to sync successfully across all devices, daisysdad. Let's keep digging into this. What make and model phone and tablet are you using? Are standard text messages making it onto your tablet?


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Enthusiast - Level 3

I have a MotoX Pure phone (Android 6.0) and a Nexus7 tablet (6.0.1).  VZ Msg+ is installed on both, and is the only text msg app that I have installed on the Nexus7. 

While in Europe I never received any text messages directly on my phone  since I was not able to get connected to any cell service with the phone "as is" (even though VZ tech support told me I should when I called them before my trip).  I didn't bother getting a SIM card while I was there since I thought text messages would be sufficient for my short trip, and I assumed that I would receive everything in VZ Msg+.

I get ALL text messages on my phone, both in the default Android Messaging app and in VZ Msg+, but only "standard" text messages in Msg+ on my tablet (see my last entry above).  Like I said, I can reproduce the problem by changing my MS Hotmail password, since a text message from "732873" was sent to me with a password reset code.

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for the additional details, daisysdad. The issue with the short code text messages not going through unless there's a cellular connection. That is the reason that the tablet can get all other text messages but not the short code message that you reproduce when changing the password. Short code messages are only delivered to the mobile number while it is connected to the cellular network. Your tablet will receive all standard texts and picture messages that are received on the phone. I hope this helps clarify the reason that the tablet does not receive the short code texts but every other text message.


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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

