Why are the pictures on my device so large?
Specialist - Level 2

  I recieved a Droid Maxx from Verizon a little over a week ago. One of the things I do alot is take pictures and email them to friends, especially where I live on a beach resort.

  I've noticed that one picture alone will be 3 to 4 MB in size. So with attaching 5 pictures you could have a 20MB email. Some internet service providers only allow up to 10MB. Also the pictures are ridiculously large, on a computer screen you have to scroll sideways and up and down to view the entire picture.

  On my Samsung Intensity ll that wasn't the case. The phone took great pictures and in a KB size. Therefore easy to email and fit nicely on a computer screen for viewing.

  I stopped at two Verizon stores to see if there was a work around to get these pictures at a decent size, possibly settings or some kind of app. They couldn't come up with anything.

  So does anyone have any advice? Perhaps I could put them online somehow with friends being able to access and view them there on their computers. But was hoping of a way to not have the pictures not come out so big on the Droid.

  One more question. Can I switch back and forth activating my Droid and then Samsung so I can take the Samsung when I want to take pictures?

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Open the camera app and I am positive there are settings to use when taking a photo. Set it at the lowest rate and it should send OK.

There are many free apps on the Google Play Store like photo shop etc. That you can reduce the size of your photos.

But most high end devices have built in photo editing.

Good Luck

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Open the camera app and I am positive there are settings to use when taking a photo. Set it at the lowest rate and it should send OK.

There are many free apps on the Google Play Store like photo shop etc. That you can reduce the size of your photos.

But most high end devices have built in photo editing.

Good Luck

Specialist - Level 2

There are settings for the camera but none I could find, or the people that work at the Verizon stores I stopped at could find, that could have the camera take smaller size pictures. I was hoping to get the camera to take smaller photos. I can use photo editing software once I get them transferred to the computer, but was hoping not to have to go thru all that. It is strange? Where the Samsung Intensity ll would take photos around 250 to 400 KB and they would be that size after putting them on the computer. This Droid Maxx as I mentioned has them 3 to 4 MB a piece. It is a nice phone from Verizon but stumped on these huge photo sizes? Thanks for your response.

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Sorry I could not be more helpful.

You know on iphones when I send photos it asks me the size to send. Nice feature.

Good luck

Community Leader
Community Leader

See page 41 of the user manual to get the instructions on reaching the "Change Settings" options in the camera app on the Droid Maxx.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Specialist - Level 2

I was aware, of where the settings are, and referred to pg. 41 of the Droid manual to see if I may have missed something. So far I haven't come to a solution yet, I'll keep working on it. And if you have anything else you think of please send along.

Elector made an interesting point on the iPhone. Where it does resize, the Intensity ll did that as well. With the Droid Maxx I haven't been able to do that so far. I know when I plug it into a desk top computer by USB cable. I can transfer the photos and then use a photo editing software, but was hoping not to have to go thru that process for each photo.

Also this is not a complaint to trash the phone to others reading this. This Droid Maxx by Verizon is an outstanding phone and I am very pleased with it.

Customer Service Rep

Salisbury, I'd be happy to clarify these options for you. While the picture settings may allow you to reduce the size by a little, the camera takes high quality pictures, and they will be much larger than on a basic device like the Intensity.

When you email pictures, it will not offer to resize, and you are limited to 20MB. However, if you choose to send those pictures by text, it will allow you to resize the picture. You are still able to send a text or picture message to an email, but it will come from your phone number rather than your email address. It is possible that doing it this way may also limit you to one picture per message.

Thank you,
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Specialist - Level 2

Hi Michelle, how I resolved it was by getting a free app. So I took a picture that was over 3MB and resized it to 43.65KB, perfect! I was really surprised it was able to reduce the photo to that size.

Initially Elector had mentioned getting an app but I didn't take the advice. Thinking that I didn't want to go thru using photo editing software on a smartphone, like you would on a computer. But this is different, the app just resizes with pressing a couple of buttons, very fast and easy. Now I just transfer them onto a computer and email away. So the Droid Maxx works out great for the photos, and what I was trying to do. It was me just having to learn the computer that's called a phone.