Poor Coverage
Enthusiast - Level 1

I work at the Scottsdale airport in Scottsdale Arizona. Verizon in the past was great in this location. the past 2 years the reception has been Terrible. If I walk away from Wifi coverage my calls Drop. I cannot maintain more than 1-2 bars in my office inside.  Using my Phone for Medical Organ Transplant flights and not being able to communicate is un-acceptable.  I am using a Samsung S23 Ultra on your premium unlimited plan....you are the nations premier carrier. Scottsdale AZ is a prime location. 

If we are paying Premium prices for a phone/service  I expect at bare minimum "decent"  service in a populated area. I am not alone here I hear the same thing from many other Verizon clients as well. 

Mesa AZ 85209 at my home, inside or out is Terrible! I have Two places that I can talk on my phone in the house. if I leave those the call drops. 

at least 3 times a week I will get a voicemail from someone who's called me and my phone never rang, doesn't even have a "missed call" logged in the list. but there's a voice mail. I will get texts asking the same thing "why arn't your answering your phone?"  I have to answer them "Im not sure my phone never rang"

I don't want special treatment. I just want reliable phone service. I've paid for one of the nicest phones on the market, and Verizon is supposed to be the Premium Carrier. I pay for the best plan you offer...is there anything we can do?

4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to hear that you're having problems with your service. Making sure you can get the reception you need to get your job done is a must and we're going to do everything we can to help you. What troubleshooting have you tried so far? Are you able to make calls with Wi-Fi Calling when you're connected to Wi-Fi?


Champion - Level 1

Ugh.  With 3G being shut down a couple years ago, dead zones are cropping up everywhere?  Short of getting a network extender or an expensive 3rd party cell phone signal booster system, if someone else has better coverage, it's time to port?

Another possibility is that other technology in place at the airport is interfering with your cell phone signal.  I noticed this big time yesterday while at a radiology clinic...had only 1 bar of LTE signal indoors, yet as soon as I stepped outside, had 5 full bars and 5G even!

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
Enthusiast - Level 1

We have a subdivision of about 50 homes in Valley Oaks, Winona, Minnesota,  we have terrible service coverage,  It’s supposed to be 5G, but you’re lucky if you can get one bar. The only way we survive is with Wi-Fi calling. We pay a Premium for Verizon and this level of service is just unacceptable.  I hope the Internet never goes out because then we wouldn’t be able to call for any services like fire and police.  Why can’t Verizon had some kind of local repeaters if they don’t wanna do a Tower closer. 

Customer Service Rep


I'm sorry to hear you are having these issues in Winona. Let's look into this together. Does service improve outside? What zip code are you in?-Joe