Verizon Lost My Trade In
Enthusiast - Level 1

In April of 2022 I traded in an iphone 12 mini through a promotion and was supposed to receive a credit. Verizon mailed me a box to ship the device back in. I took my Iphone 12 mini and placed it in the box, shipped it out through their label and carrier (UPS), received an email from Verizon that UPS had received my package and no other action was needed. 

Now, 17 months later when I go to upgrade to a new device the credit is no longer on my account. Verizon has no information on their side. I have several emails sent directly from Verizon regarding this trade in but somehow Verizon has lost all the information they sent me. 

I cannot look at the tracking anymore because it has reached the 120 day limit from UPS either. 

I find discussions on this community about customers with the same issues but never find anyone who has had this resolved. I am quite upset because I mailed a good phone out with the good faith that Verizon would credit me. I could have kept the phone if no credit was going to be applied. 

Has anyone had this issue resolved? Or did they have to take it to small claims?

I would prefer to have this resolved. I would like to remain a customer and not have to go to court if possible. 

8 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We value your loyalty for all these time and would like to review your situation a little closer. To better assist, I'll be sending a Private Message, please reply to it, so we can get started.


Enthusiast - Level 2

Same exact experience.  After hours and hours on the phone with various overseas customers service representatives reading scripts to me, I have been told that the promotions department has yet to approve the promotion.  ZERO PROACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS FROM VERIZON.  THEY MUST HOPE WE'LL JUST GO AWAY.  We traded in four phones and two watches for new ones.  We have seven devices on the highest tier service and yet it is completely clear to us that Verizon does not value us as customers.  I was told it may take two billing cycles to get the credit for the traded phone, but the representatives use a lot of "ifs" and "shoulds" in their scripts.  We left AT&T to go to Verizon because we anticipated better cellular service when traveling.  Turns out the Verizon cellular service (highest tier at twice the price) is no better than the low-priced AT&T service we had.  We probably should have stuck with AT&T or tried T-Mobile.  Verizon, so far, has been a nightmare for us.  WHAT A MISTAKE!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I think it’s weird that this issue is coming up with other customers and Verizon is slow to get anything resolved. 

How can I be held accountable for the mismanagement by Verizon and UPS? The worst part is that Verizon would have gladly taken my phone and still charged me had I not spent time looking into my old emails and bills.

quick to bill but drag your feet when you need them the most. Disappointing. 

I was an ATT customer for almost 10 years before switching and didn’t have any issues like this. 

There is still no resolution yet…only messages asking if it was resolved. I am not a Verizon employee so I have no idea what they assume I am doing. I would

Enthusiast - Level 1

Exactly my experience, too.  Multiple calls, hours of time, each time they say they will apply the credit on the next billing cycle and never do.  They lost my trade-in, and are charging me $1000.  So they basically stole my phone and charged me full price for the new phone.  Thieving crooks!

Customer Service Rep

Hello, brewhaus. Help is here as we never want you to feel this way about us. Let's work together to make this right for you. Do you have the trade in submission ID and the tracking number to show proof of delivery for the phone you sent back to us? 


Enthusiast - Level 1

Same situation.  Very disappointed! 

Customer Service Rep

Oh, no! We definitely do not want you to feel this way, and we are here to help. We sent a Private Message to further assist you. ~Geo

Enthusiast - Level 2

Verizon lost a phone on my line. Wasn't even my phone to be exact,  called and told me everything was OK and they would research my device. Fast forward 2/24/24, gave me an account credit and told me they would call me to check on my device refund.  Call 3 times today for response,  none given.  I'm out of 699 dollars regardless,   I was a customer for 20 years.  Worst experience ever with the customer service and satisfaction