+play billing and credits
Enthusiast - Level 1

I recently added 7 +play perks so I can save on my subscriptions. I went into +play and saw all the credits on my account and started to add my subscriptions. As soon as I added each it charged my credit card as well as took away from my +play credits. After multiple chats with an agent, one agent told me that I will be charged and then credited to my credit card until all my +play credits are used. From what Iโ€™ve read and researched the subscriptions should come out of my +play credits and THEN charged the balance after my +play credits are used. Are the charges to my card for each subscription a hold when initially adding each service? Or is it true that I will be charged every month to my credit card and credited the same amount back (up to the amount of my +play credits). 

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello! We are glad to learn you are using +Play to save on your subscriptions. If you have +play Monthly Credits, your credits are automatically applied to your purchase. More information on the link below under Payment and billing:



Enthusiast - Level 1

So why would I still be billed to my credit card AND have my +play credit used?

Customer Service Rep
@Pablo7  wrote: So why would I still be billed to my credit card AND have my +play credit used

The +Play Monthly credit perk is applied to to a subscription cost prior to being billed on your card. The credit is applied to your +Play account, and then deposited into the account once a moneht. The monthly credit amount is applied towards the first available eligible charge that's due. Any remaining balance is used to each due subscription until no balance remains. Based on what you sahred Pablo7, things are working. 


I highly recommend reviewing the '+play Monthy Credit perk FAQ here: https://www.verizon.com/support/entertainment-play-perk-faqs/


It runs through the details of the +play Monthly Credit perks, and confirms how they're used and appear. If something does not line up with what the FAQ is sharing, let me know please. 
