An/yone Have A Successful upgrade/update to Android 2.2 Froyo
Enthusiast - Level 3

I have in the last few days upgraded my phone to the Samsung Fascinate from a feature phone. So far I really like the Fascinate, but, I would like to update from 2.1update1 to Froyo 2.2 


However, after reading the horror stories of what can happen to the phone I am leary of actually doing update.


Has anyone had a success with this update? If so please respond so we can have some info on how you did it.


I think until I get some positive feedback on successful updates to Froyo I will either do nothing and wait for a confirmed fix for all the problems or return the phone before my 14 day trial expires.


Thanks for any feedback anyone wants to share.


cactusjumper in AZ, Samsung Fascinate running Android 2.1.1



13 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Yes, I upgraded successfully...with two a factory reset after the upgrade and the

battery will not be as good. For the battery I set the wifi to sleep when the screen is off and I use a

less power hungry LWP. Now lasts 24hr.

Everything is working properly, no missed calls.


Contributor - Level 2

I have had no problems from my phone after the upgrade and as an example of how oddly inconsistant these phones are; unlike ibm360 my battery life improved somewhat with Froyo. 

I typically leave GPS and Bluetooth active 24/7 and I get roughly 24-36 hours between charges, depending on use. I can drain it fairly quickly with WiFi (12-16hrs) so that is usually off. From what I have read on various forums 24 hours or so is par for the course with a modern smartphone. My stepson would kill for battery life like that from his HTC Thunderbolt.

ibm360 is correct about the factory reset after upgrading to Froyo. That is imperative! To not do so is to almost invite problems.

One thing I have recently done is that which cannot be named here. I installed Bloat Freezer and froze almost all the Bloatware that came on the phone. This may had added to battery life but it was negligible at best.


p.s. If you are into social media I have noticed that staying logged into the Facebook app is very detrimental t battery life. I read about this on several other forums and the effect seems to be consistant regardless of the phone.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Sorry duplicate post

Enthusiast - Level 3

ibm360 and DonM - thank you for your replies. One more question - did either one of you do anything special to prepare the phone for the Froyo update?




Samsung Fascinate running Android 2.1 update 1

Contributor - Level 2

cactusjumper wrote:

ibm360 and DonM - thank you for your replies. One more question - did either one of you do anything special to prepare the phone for the Froyo update?




Samsung Fascinate running Android 2.1 update 1

Make sure the phone is fully charged and have your charger handy. The update usually goes smoothly but there have been reports of the phone taking much longer to manage the full update, you don't want the battery to die in the middle of the process.


Remove your SD card as well, definitely before you do a factory reset. Nothing should happen to it but better safe than sorry.


Likewise, I have had no problems after update.  The entire process went smoothly.  After completing the update, I manually reset the phone using settings>privacy>factory restore process.  A few days afterwards, an update appeared stating it was an improvement to conserve the battery.  No problems whatsoever.

Enthusiast - Level 3

:smileysad:      another duplicate post, don't know how I keep doing this.

Enthusiast - Level 3



On July 6, I took the plunge and updated my Fascinate to Froyo 2.2.1. So far so good!!  :smileyvery-happy:


I am doing everything I can think of to make sure all is well before my 14 day trial is up, have a few days left. Did you folks who are having problems experience them immediately after the update, or did they start after a period of time?


I took ibm360 and DonM advise and removed the SD card, did a Master Reset/Data Wipe before and after downloading and installing the update.



Fascinate running Froyo 2.2.1

Specialist - Level 3

cactusjumper wrote:



On July 6, I took the plunge and updated my Fascinate to Froyo 2.2.1. So far so good!!  :smileyvery-happy:


I am doing everything I can think of to make sure all is well before my 14 day trial is up, have a few days left. Did you folks who are having problems experience them immediately after the update, or did they start after a period of time?


I took ibm360 and DonM advise and removed the SD card, did a Master Reset/Data Wipe before and after downloading and installing the update.



Fascinate running Froyo 2.2.1

  I would advice not doing the ED04 update once you do the 2.2 update. That is the patch that is causing problems.

Enthusiast - Level 2


 I just got off the phone with Verizon and they told me its the 2.3 gingerbread thats having issues and not to download it. I am running 2.2.1 and have had one glitch but otherwise fine

Contributor - Level 1

I guess I got lucky. I had a near full charge on my phone and did the 2.2 and ED04 update. Both worked well. I can now use Flash and there have been some improvements. The phone did lose some battery life. I was able to go nearly two days with light use. Now 1 day of light use at most. Check Email, perhaps 30 min of web browsing and a few short phone calls will drain the battery by the end of the day.  Heavy use I can get perhaps half a day. The clock with weather widget on my phone sometimes hangs up or disappears when I close an app or the web for a few seconds then reappears the phone does slow down for a few seconds sometimes too when opening or closing apps or the web, on other occasions it seems to run faster than before the update. I have as far as I know gotten phone calls, texts and Emails. I did not do a reset and I did not loose any saved data. My preferences did change on my home screen and a few other things that I had to reset from default to what I wanted. Something is glitchy in the software.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Sadly, I began having problems with my Fascinate several days after the update on July 6th. ie missed calls, dropped internet connection, screen would stay in landscape mode until a restart, and random screen captures. Very unhappy as i really like the Fascinate.


Since I have no faith in a fix happening in a timely manner, although I could be wrong on that, I therefore, have returned the Fascinate and replaced it with the HTC Incredible 2. Have my fingers crossed the Incredible 2 does not have problems as I cannot exchange it for another smart phone. Only get to do that once during the 14 day upgrade trial period.


2 hours after the Incredible 2 was activated I got the update notification for Gingerbread, I elected to delay the update, don't want to mess up this phone. I will wait for feedback on the update, if favorable results are reported I may update at a later date.





Enthusiast - Level 3

Sadly, I began having problems with my Fascinate several days after the update on July 6th. ie missed calls, dropped internet connection, screen would stay in landscape mode until a restart, and random screen captures. Very unhappy as i really like the Fascinate.


Since I have no faith in a fix happening in a timely manner, although I could be wrong on that, I therefore, have returned the Fascinate and replaced it with the HTC Incredible 2. Have my fingers crossed the Incredible 2 does not have problems as I cannot exchange it for another smart phone. Only get to do that once during the 14 day upgrade trial period.


2 hours after the Incredible 2 was activated I got the update notification for Gingerbread, I elected to delay the update, don't want to mess up this phone. I will wait for feedback on the update, if favorable results are reported I may update at a later date.




