Are Nexus in general, unreliable devices ?

Christmas 2013, the entire family got new smartphones. The Nexus device has been replaced (4) times so far, and awaiting yet another replacement.

I will admit that the issues have varied, but each issue being such that a replacement was warranted. Internal memory issues, loose charging port, device speaker failure, microphone failure ..

The phones were inspected by the local retail location before replacement- although the device was purchased from the Verizon website. The common denominator here is - Nexus branded device. Once upon a time, Nexus was an entirely different class of Android. In general, would you Nexus owners

report being satisfied with your devices? Or, if you could, would you have it replaced with another device ?

As a 11 year Verizon customer, it is sad to say that I am on the verge of dissolving the relationship with Verizon and becoming a customer of another provider.

Verizon's solution to this continued problem ?

Continue replacing the faulty devices- until the warranty period expires, and insisting that I purchase another device - of course at full retail because it's not upgrade time.

The Facts:

(4) Active Lines

(1) Tablet

$ 300 / month  X 12 months = $ 3600 / year.

$3600 / year X 11 years = $39,600

* and never been so much as a day late on bill pay

I'm $ 40,000 into Verizon, and somehow it's inconceivable to put me into another device completely - NOT another Nexus, when clearly the Nexus devices

have built a history of being unreliable devices. So much so, that it's been removed from Verizon's marketed line up.

7 Replies

Where to start. I have had numerous CLN replacements of my Galaxy Nexus. When I mean numerous I mean 10+, and the newest CLN sitting beside me has a very bad purple tint to the grays like I had a couple times before. I truly do love the Galaxy Nexus, and not really wanting a different device. I want a Galaxy Nexus that works, and has no problems. Issues I can remember: terribly overheating on moderate usage, purple tint, intermittent SIM card missing error, BT issues dropping for no apparent reason, one of my CLN replacements had a small chip in the glass on the bottom, and current one dropping data all together.

I am so tired of doing this, but I'm about to say hell with it and deal with the purple tint even though it bothers me crazy. The purple tint is very bad on the grays, and even a little on the white not being reliant on the brightness setting. This is before I even logged into my Google account, and loaded any apps.

This last time I called in I requested a new device from the box, not a VZW CLN replacement. I was told in order to do so I had to pay full retail. If I were to do that I would gladly pay my ETF, and move on.

So your answer is.... yes the GN is overall a bum phone. The very first one I had since launch day lasted me a year then started overheating bad. Some people have had zero issues with their Galaxy Nexus, and I am truly happy for them.

Specialist - Level 1

I believe the NEXUS device on VZW is very unreliable.  I own a NEXUS 7 and a NEXUS 10 tablet which are wifi and they are very reliable.  I owned the NEXUS device on VZW for 7 days a couple weeks after the they came out and very quickly decided it was not a device I cared to own.  I am certainly glad I took it back and at the time there was no other phone on VZW I wanted so I went back to my Droid X which was my first smart phone and I still have it and it still works well.  My wife is using it as when her phone quit she did not want to spend money on another phone.  I started having problems with the NEXUS on VZW they day I got my phone but I was also in a area that I thought was bad service but I found out later that was not true.  Service was bad in all areas with that phone.  I took the phone back and they tried to get me to take another NEXUS and I just refused and ask them the put my service back on the Droid X and I never looked back.

Master - Level 1

I have seen the complaints regarding the Verizon Wireless Galaxy Nexus in this forum, and it saddens me to think that people don't have the opportunity to enjoy a great device.  I have had GSM Nexus devices (S, Galaxy and 4) and have had mostly good experiences with them.  I've heard a few negative comments about Sprint's Nexus devices, as well.  Maybe the Nexus devices don't perform as well with CDMA radios, but that wouldn't make sense to me.

Contributor - Level 1

Christmas 2013, the entire family got new smartphones. The Nexus device has been replaced (4) times so far, and awaiting yet another replacement.

I will admit that the issues have varied, but each issue being such that a replacement was warranted. Internal memory issues, loose charging port, device speaker failure, microphone failure ..

Does really seem like a very bad case of bad luck on the replacement phones. 😕

Although, those are common problems within all devices, and not just the Nexus itself.

Christmas of 2012?

The phones were inspected by the local retail location before replacement- although the device was purchased from the Verizon website. The common denominator here is - Nexus branded device. Once upon a time, Nexus was an entirely different class of Android. In general, would you Nexus owners

report being satisfied with your devices? Or, if you could, would you have it replaced with another device ?

I've owned a Galaxy Nexus, and loved it. Switched to a GN 2 solely for the battery life. Nothing was wrong with it in my eyes.

As a 11 year Verizon customer, it is sad to say that I am on the verge of dissolving the relationship with Verizon and becoming a customer of another provider.

Don't see how that's going to help you really..

Verizon's solution to this continued problem ?

Continue replacing the faulty devices- until the warranty period expires, and insisting that I purchase another device - of course at full retail because it's not upgrade time.

It's just a recommendation. you're not being forced to buy one. I'm sure you aren't paying for the replacements as well.

The Facts:

(4) Active Lines

(1) Tablet

$ 300 / month  X 12 months = $ 3600 / year.

$3600 / year X 11 years = $39,600

* and never been so much as a day late on bill pay

Again, not seeing the point here.

I'm $ 40,000 into Verizon, and somehow it's inconceivable to put me into another device completely - NOT another Nexus, when clearly the Nexus devices

have built a history of being unreliable devices. So much so, that it's been removed from Verizon's marketed line up.

Just because it was removed from the line up doesn't mean it's a terrible phone. There's a large list of phones that have been "removed" from Verizon's "line up" just because more up to date phones are being released, they cant keep all the phones ever sold.

Plus, I'm sure it's in the terms / conditions / contract that you can recieve a free replacement of the same make / model phone of the phone you originally purchased, not a different one. Sadly.


They should let you out of the contract.


Yup, this phone is a *** and verizon won't do anything about it except keep you giving you refurbs. I plan to just port my number somewhere else and pay the ETF, rather than be stuck with this phone and or paying $700 for a new phone.

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator for profanity <>

Specialist - Level 1

You could get you an S3 off ebay for lot less than $700 and maybe even less than your ETF plus what ever a new account and phone at another carrier, finish our your contract at VZW then port to the other carrier.  There are places where you can find good phones for much less than what VZW will sell you a phone.
