Customer Service
My Samsung Fascinate has not worked well since day one. This Tuesday it got to the point where the battery was completely dead and would no longer turn on. The phone is about 8 months old. I went into the Verizon store and their representative replaced my battery, but said since that was obviously not the only problem that they would send me a "COMPLETELY NEW PHONE." Today I got a refurbished phone in the mail. This is COMPLETELY unacceptable. I made a phone call to their customer service department, and because my phone is a piece of junk like I already mentioned, she could not understand half of the things I said because my phone echoed every word. Her reasoning was that it was because I was inside a building, despite this obviously not always being the case, so I told her that I went outside and it was not any better. I had actually stayed inside, and she proceeded to lie to me and say that it was actually much clearer. The phone continued the echoing throughout the entire conversation. Every time I have to deal with the employees at Verizon, I die a little inside. Tomorrow I will be making another one of my "pleasant" visits to their store. I know what my warranty contains, but I was told I was getting a new phone, not a new phone to me. Is there any way I can get through to these people without yelling at them in front of their (potential) customers? I hate to strain my vocal cords and waste my time with these people, but they just never seem to do anything correctly. Obviously I will not be renewing my contract with them ever again, but since I am stuck with them for over a year, something needs to change. Any suggestions?
3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3
Yeah, no where in the contract does it state you will get a brand new phone. Your phone is no longer new so why would they take a used phone and replace it with a new phone.? It can be frustrating but that's the way manufacturers have the warranties set-up. It would be the same with any other cellphone company as well.
Contributor - Level 3

If you phone is 8 months old then you purchased the phone when the 30 day worry free guarantee was in place, and if you have had problems with the phone from day one, you should have took advantage of the 30 day worry free guarantee and got a completely different phone.


Like the other poster said, with the manufacturers warranty you always get a refurb phone, even with insurance you get a refurb phone. The only way you will get a brand new phone is through the return policy, purchasing full retail, or if you are approved to get a new phone at the discounted pricing.


I know it is frustrating to get told you will get a new phone, but you really only get a refurb, but going into the store and yelling at the reps will not get you anywhere, trust me. The nicer you are, the more they will be willing to help you. The only thing I can do is just keep returning the phone. My sister returned her Pixi Plus 3 times, and on the 4th time, we spoke with a store manager and they gave her a brand new Incredible with a new two year contract at the discounted pricing, and it was because we didn't go in "guns-a-blazin".

Not applicable


Hello there!


I apologize for any confusion or misconception about the warranty process.  The manufacture does provide a Certified-Like-New device at no cost when an issue falls underneath the warranty and requires replacement.


Please PM me your name and mobile number so I may look further into this for you.
