Data Usage

I just went over my 150 MB/month allowance on Data Usage.  I use the WIFI as much as possible, so I looked at my bill on line.  It is showing data usage at 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning, when I am in bed!!!  Does anyone know what I could be running on my phone that would constantly be using MB?  It is occurring 7-8 times per night and it runs from about .015MB to .50MB.

1 Solution
Master - Level 1


NuDroidUsrr wrote:

  I guess I am a little confused.. I thought all smartphones had to have either the $29.99 Unlimited plan for Home use or $44.95 Unlimited plan for Corporate use? Every time I have talked to Verizon I could not get the smaller plan....


Those users were grandfathered in with the $15/150MB data plan that was available until the end of Jan 2011.  That plan is no longer available unless you maintained it on your account.


To possibly explain why the users are seeing data useage overnight, many apps such as Twitter, weather apps, etc, updated their data on a regular schedule.  For example, I have my weather app set to update the weather data every hour.  This is at least one possible reason for some of the unexplained data useage.

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6 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader
Have you checked the wifi sleep policy? Go to settings > wireless & networks > wireless settings > press menu > select advanced > wifi sleep policy. Change it to "never" or "never while plugged in" to prevent the wifi connection from turning off while the screen is turned off.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Contributor - Level 2

After checking my bill I too am having late night data use. The amount of data use is all over the board from a few KB up to 50MB! Most seem to be in the 1-10MB range with me. There are some nights that there is no data usage but I think those are the occasional night I charge the phone and it is turned off.


As I wrote this it seems that this topic has been discussed before but I'm not sure if it was on this board or another. When I purchased the phone I was intending to get the 150MB limited data plan but the sales rep talked me out of it. Considering that I typically use 1 to 1.5 GB a month it was a good decision.

Contributor - Level 2

Also you may want to try unchecking Menu/Settings/Accounts & Sync/Background data. This may have undesired results though so be aware you will need to manually update any apps you use.

Specialist - Level 3

  I guess I am a little confused.. I thought all smartphones had to have either the $29.99 Unlimited plan for Home use or $44.95 Unlimited plan for Corporate use? Every time I have talked to Verizon I could not get the smaller plan....

Master - Level 1


NuDroidUsrr wrote:

  I guess I am a little confused.. I thought all smartphones had to have either the $29.99 Unlimited plan for Home use or $44.95 Unlimited plan for Corporate use? Every time I have talked to Verizon I could not get the smaller plan....


Those users were grandfathered in with the $15/150MB data plan that was available until the end of Jan 2011.  That plan is no longer available unless you maintained it on your account.


To possibly explain why the users are seeing data useage overnight, many apps such as Twitter, weather apps, etc, updated their data on a regular schedule.  For example, I have my weather app set to update the weather data every hour.  This is at least one possible reason for some of the unexplained data useage.

Contributor - Level 1

I don't know if have a reason why you can't shut off phone while you sleep, maybe you don't have a land line. As already mentioned, there are many apps. that perform auto sync functions that would use some data. If you are concerned that you are being charged for data you are sure you did not used, the only way to be sure is shut-off phone and then monitor your usage if any while turned off.
