Dear Verizon, can you help me I have a problem?
Contributor - Level 1

Dear Moderator,

I see that you help others when having issues with their GNEX phones.  I see you help them with sending pictures or getting their email accounts synced.

I have a severe problem with my GNEX and am wondering if you could help me since I haven't been able to get any answers.  My GNEX doesn't work real well as a phone.  My calls often get dropped, or the other person cannot understand me, or if I can get through a call lasting longer than ten minutes I have to put up with awful background noises.  Crackling, squawks, static, etc.  It's awful.  It's embarrassing as I use my phone for business.  I have been told to return my gas station prepaid phone.  I assume this is due to poor signal reception.  I average about -110 dbm.  It is often higher.  I live less than a quarter mile from your tower in a 4 g area.  I rarely ever see 4g unless I park by the tower.  I must use my own wireless server in order to get data but the phone routinely disconnects from that also.  The battery life isn't that great, I am sure it's because the phone is always looking for a signal.  I can live with that.  I just want my phone to work as a phone.  Is that too much to ask??  I have called Verizon every few weeks since December, no one has an answer.  In fact, I am told something different nearly everytime I call.  I have had many lengthy conversations with Samsung also.  I have done everything they have asked with exception of replacing my phone with a refurb.  I paid $300 for a brand new phone, my phone is in excellent condition.  If I wanted a refurb. I would have bought one.  Besides in my research, I have found that it doesn't solve the problem. 

So, you are so willing to help others.....can you help me?  Or can you forward this message to someone who could???  I really need a phone that works as a phone.  I don't understand how and why you are still selling this lemon.  Thank you in advance.  I am at my wits end after a particularly frustrating day with this phone.  I want to keep my 7 lines and $550 a month with you.  But you are making it very difficult.  I am not asking for a miracle.  Yes, Google wallet would be great, as would the other nagging issues that need to be fixed.  I just want a phone I can use.  Please help!

4 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

The moderators on this community are here to enforce the Terms of Service for the forum. It is the customers and non-customer users of the community who answer questions. If no one has an answer then maybe a member of the Verizon Wireless media support team will assist.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 3

It sounds like you may be having an issue with the sim card. Have you gone to the store and had them replace it?

Master - Level 2

Samsung devices in general have poor signal quality especially when compared to Motorola. Anything over about -90dBm and you're likely to have issues.  Over 100 and you can almost hang up doing anything.  If you're that close to the tower, there could possibly be a tower issue or maybe there's just poor signal penetration indoors due to various factors (terrain, building material, etc).

Contributor - Level 1

Well, my post was a bit in jest.  Apparently, some took it too seriously.    I wasn't really expecting something back from the's obvious no one really cares that the phone doesn't work as a phone.  No this is not a sim card issue.  I have had that replaced several times.  Soft resets, hard resets etc.  I have done everything ex. change the phone out for a refurb.  It's not a tower issue.  I have five other phones in the home and all get exception signal.  I phones and older android.  I have trouble, it seems no matter where I am.  I have a friend/business associate who has the same phone, she lives 40 miles from me and has the exact same issues.  Ever talk from a GNEX to a GNEX?  OMG, it is absolutely the worst.  All the annoying interference, sounds, static, and dropped calls.  It's unreal. It's one very frustrating device.  And it is also frustrating that I have been waiting for 5months for a fix. 
