Fascinate Reporting Incorrect Cell Strength
Enthusiast - Level 2

I have been watching the Signal Strength from Settings > About > Status and noticed the reported numbers do not correlate with the Cell Bar Level display at the top or the numbers I am logging with the Cell Connectivity Tracker application.

Here are some observations from using the "Cell Connectivity Tracker" application:

Cell strength as it relates to the Cell Signal Bars


0 bars = -106dBm
1 bar = -101dBm
2 bars = -96dBm
3 bars = -91dBm
4 bars = -86dBm


Right now I have no visible Bars being displayed and my Signal Strength is -72dBm on the Status page and the Cell Connectivity Tracker logged -106dBm. My phone even went to 1x (xRTT).

My phone is constantly changing from -101(dBm) and -106(dBm), constantly jumping between Cell Locations and reporting Physical Link Down. My TWAS (Time without a signal) was 61% for 1h 7m. I'm also less than 1/2 mile from a VZW tower.

Speed Test #1 was 159kbps D/L and 224kbps U/L.
Speed Test #2 was 118kbps D/L and 365kbps U/L.
Speed Test #3 was 50kbps D/L and 469kbps U/L.

Something is definitely not correct with the cell signal strength reporting on the Fascinate.


What if the phone's software is reporting a higher signal than what is actually being received and this incorrect information is being used to make operating system/network connectivity decisions? Might this cause all types of issues from lagging, slow data performance and bad battery life? I find it very strange that all three signal strength measurements are reporting different values.


What if a significant number of Fascinates have cell strength issues, wouldn't this support some type of "electronics lemon law"?

I am on my second Fascinate and both have exhibited the same symptoms. My wife's Fascinate is having issues too.

Other Samsung Galaxy S phone users don't seem to be as vocal about the battery, cell strength and lag issues. This makes me wonder if the Fascinate really does have a design/hardware issue. To top it off, the Fascinate is one of the last Galaxy S phones to receive Froyo. Maybe the supposed "issue" is causing problems with the developer testing of Froyo?


Just thinking things through,



7 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

Have you tried ??   From your phone  dial  *228   then option #2  

this should update your PRL / Roaming capabilities / cell towers.


Then try test again...just a thought.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks for the tip.  I've done my fair share of *228's without any change in signal strength.

Community Leader
Community Leader
It might be possible that the signal bars are displayed the EDVO signal strength and the signal dbm under the settings is the CDMA (voice only) strength. I know that my Eris worked that way.

Try downloading the application "Real Signal" from the Android Market. It will display both the CDMA and EDVO signal strength side by side.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have Real Signal installed and the signal strength values between EVDO and CDMA are being reported the same.  They also move to the same number at the same time.


- Tim

Champion - Level 1

what is your build number?

i remember this in the original relase, but thought it was fixed.

EA28 is the latest build

i run signal strength widget, showin -86dBm w/ 4 bars atm

Enthusiast - Level 2


Hardware version = i500.04

Firmware version = 2.1-update1

Baseband version = S:i500.04 V.EA28

Kernel version = 2.6.29

Build number = SCH-I500.EA28


RealSignal Bars vs Signal Strength


0 bars = -106dBm
1 bar = -101dBm
2 bars = -96dBm
3 bars = -91dBm
4 bars = -86dBm


Same scale as Cell Connectivity Tracker


Signal Strength from Settings > About > Status fluctuates, but doesn't match the visual Bars at the top.  For example, the visual Bars at the top display zero (no signal), but Settings > About > Status - Signal Strength of -76dBm.






Contributor - Level 1

Fascinate signal strength indicator is a joke. When my WiFi is turned on, somehow my signal also goes up a notch or two. When I turn off my WiFi, the signal goes down a few notches. This behaviour is very consistent.


Some other times, the signal switches between full signal and no bars while the phone is sitting still! EA28. *228 didnt help.


However, the phone never drops calls inspite of this behavior. I just dont rely on the signal bars anymore.
