Fascinate and USB issues

I've been having issues since the 2.2 update in May. Every time I plug in the USB, the phone wants to convert to the Mass Storage mode and turn off debugging and my music. Is there any way to turn off the USB Mass Storage mode? I've gone through the USB settings and turned it to Ask on Connection, but it never asks...it just stops everything and goes to Mass Storage mode. Never had this problem until the 2.2 update in May. I'd love for it to not go to USB mode at all if possible. Any tips or suggestions?

1 Reply
Contributor - Level 1

Turn off debugging. With debugging turned off, I set my phone to Ask on Connection and when I plugged in cable it asked me if I wanted Media Sync or Mass Storage. I chose Media Sync and Went to Windows Media Player on PC, it recognized my phone and I "synced" a 1 minute video to my phone, no problem. If you are trying to do something different I guess I need more info and I will try to help.:smileyhappy:
