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It's Tuesday, 11 June 2013, and rumors continue about the much anticipated release of Google Jelly Bean 4.3 (or some variant of it). Though it didn't happen yesterday the 10th as some had expected--others now say July, an article by Robert Triggs just a few hours ago on Android Authority begs the question "Galaxy Nexus passes through Bluetooth SIG, is Android 4.3 incoming?" Apparently, a GT-I9250 (aka "Maguro": GSM/HSPA+ Galaxy Nexus variant on AT&T/T-Mobile networks) was spied being tested against Bluetooth standards, a requirement for new update releases. That, my friends, is a major step toward our beloved GNexes getting another transfusion that's slated to resolve the over-discussed problems of overheating and rapidly draining batteries. Plus, gaining a couple of new features: a new camera UI and a power-saving Bluetooth upgrade to v4.0 that most higher end devices have. To read Robert Triggs' complete article, go to " http://m.androidauthority.com/galaxy-nexus-passes-bluetooth-android-4-3-224336/ " . I'm so (steam)punked, I check my phone's System Updates in Settings every hour or so.
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Well VZ, rumors abound about a future release date for the Nexus 5. All hints from FCC filings show that it will have LTE.
I am really hoping that I can buy this phone directly from Google, and get the updates directly from them.
(Oh yeah, the N5 will have 4.4 . We are about to be TWO updates behind....
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I'm so tired of Verizon's delayed updates. They claim their "testing" process for devices takes 4-6 weeks. An OS update should take less time. The last update to 4.2.2 took about a month. Previous updates took 50-60 days. 4.3 rolled out to the GSM version of the Galaxy Nexus on July 24th. Its been 82 days. Not a peep. Not a soak test, nothing. I know Google rolled out a tiny update for the Nexus 7 on August 21st....so my thinking was that maybe this reset the testing clock as they had to start over? Even if that was the case, its been almost 8 weeks and still nothing.
Verizon, just tell us.... are you testing 4.3? Are there issues? Did you have to start over at 4.3.1? Are you just waiting on 4.4? Communicate with your customers. I'm tired of defending you. There is NO REASON to be secretive about updates. Plus its good to let your customers know what to expect instead of keeping us in the dark....or chasing us away.
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What's worse: 20 pages and countless angry customers who bought a phone that was "guaranteed" to have the latest OS, or putting out 4.3 the day it was released, and POSSIBLY having to do a small patch?
VZ, there's a reason we didn't buy an S3, or Thunderbolt. Although, the S4 and HTC One are starting to look like better choices from an OS standpoint.
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I agree with you, Verizon needs to tell us if they are going to update our phones, if not so I can cancel my service and go to a Service Provider who isn't as LAZY AS VERIZON.
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Here's the timeline for anyone who is interested....
4.0.4: ICS update
4.0.4 was pushed by google (GSM) around March 30th.
4.0.4 was soak tested by Verizon on May 1st.
4.0.4 was pushed by Verizon around May 31-June 1
So, right on 60 days to 4.0.4
4.1: Jellybean
Google began updating their GSM Nexus to Jelly Bean (4.1) on July 10th.
Verizon's soak test started on August 29, 2012.
An early leak was posted online in the first week of September.
The full update was rolled out 9/21
So about 73 days to Jelly Bean 4.1.
4.2: JB update
The 4.2 update began rolling out on November 13, 2012 to the Domestic GSM variant "takju".
4.2.1 was pushed out with a bug fix on November 27, 2012.
The Sprint CDMA variant started updating on January 30th, 2013
Verizon NEVER saw 4.2 or 4.2.1
4.2.2: JB update
4.2.2 was released on February 11, 2012
4.2.2 hits Verizon testers on March 2, 2013 (only 19 days! That has to be a record)
On March 4, 2013 a leaked version was posted online.
4.2.2 begins hitting Verizon Galaxy Nexus phones OTA on March 19th, 2013 (36 days - a Verizon record I'm sure!)
4.3: JB update
4.3 was released on July 24, 2013
4.3 update (JWR66Y) pushed to Nexus 7 devices with bug fixes
83 days and counting (56 after the bug fixes) and still nothing. Not even a "we're testing it". Just silence, or a bunch of non-answers.
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I think Verizon needs to stop with this (removed), this is suppose to be a great experience for us. This is one of the greatest phones an Verizon has managed to completly ruin the whole experience. Now 4.4 is coming out and verizon still hasnt updated our phones to 4.3. They can't blame Google because all the other Galaxy Nexus are updated. Somehow Verizon just manages to mess everything up. The Nexus 5 is coming out if you guys don't update us to 4.4, I will close my account and move my family plan to T-Mobile contract free. You guys have the WORST CUSTOMER SUPPORT EVER!
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I cant believe we only have 20 pages of complaints. We should be in the 1000's. Verizon is so full of crap. They cant even update new phones. Example the Moto X, there has been an update for the camera and some bug fixes. All the other carriers uodated the Moto X, verizon still hasnt updated it. They sure know how to mess things up but were still here.
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I'm really surprised Verizon hasn't just closed this post. They aren't going to respond with anything useful. Maybe they just keep it up for their own enjoyment of how unhappy their customers are.
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Is it safe to say that the samsung galaxy nexus for verizon will not receive the 4.3 update? Because if thats the case im leaving verizon.
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I'm with you. The Nexus 5 will be out pretty soon and I've been out of contract for a long time. As soon as I can get that, I'm out of here. Their support of this phone sucked. I don't think there's really a better alternative for my area than Verizon, but at this point, I'd almost rather have nothing.
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My contract is up in a month, and my wife's is done in March. We've been pretty happy with the phone service on Verizon, but the company passes on basically every device I'm interested in using. The official software support for the Toro has been abysmal, and I'll probably jump to T-Mobile if the Nexus 5 gets passed up too. There's no point in having a Nexus on VZW if timely updates aren't part of the equation. Maybe we'll hear that 4.3 was skipped in favor of 4.4 on the G-Nex? I think that's the only possible way for the Verizon to placate those of us who are disgruntled regarding not being on the latest Android release, despite owning a Nexus.
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I think everyone is forgetting one essential part of 4.3 and 4.4 that is the main reason Verizon doesn't want the Nexus to get it:
If you don't know what that is, Google it. It allows you to shut off per-app access to certain features on the phone. In other words, if you want to block their proprietary apps from accessing any information you need only click a button.
As far as Verizon's customer service goes, I'm already tired of it. Every phone call is different information with different people telling you different things all leading to the same purpose: "Oh you can't buy the phone this way but if you sign up for EDGE you can get that awesome new phone that you want" despite me telling them I'm a grandfathered customer.
Don't worry, Verizon. Your message has been received loud and clear. You don't want my business anymore unless I pay you more money. That isn't how being a customer/provider works. When you start giving helpful updates, non-canned responses from your drones, and good customer service for the money we pay you, you can have more.
I'm absolutely sick of the lack of respect you show your customers, whether they're under contract or not. You are very lucky my wife just upgraded her phone within the year or I would pay an ETF just to save money. Don't think for a second that your wiser customers are sticking with you for the service. They're sticking with you for the data plans. The instant you make that go away, those customers are gone and I'm sure you couldn't care less. The minute you try and take my unlimited data from me is the very minute I switch carriers and don't worry, I don't care about your awesome groundbreaking new phones or your stock responses that clearly were copied and pasted from a field manual.
I care about respect. And I'm wise and old enough to know that Sprint, T-Mobile, and AT&T aren't going to respect me any more than you do. At least they won't charge me an arm and a leg while they are at it.
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HARRUMPH! HARRUMPH! *beats fist on table*
Well said, sir. Well said. Now, I can't wait for the obligatory, "djortiz, we want to see you stay with us. Have you seen our device line up lately?..." response.
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weapon-x, we want to see you stay with us. Have you seen our device line up lately? http://bit.ly/zpAY1E I'm sure that we offer a device that will fit your needs. Let's work this out.
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
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More like:
"Hey, weapon-x, have you seen the other devices we offer that we also won't support with timely updates even if we promise that we will? We also promise to load them up with totally worthless apps that will run in the background and can't be removed! Check us out!"
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I think weapon-x HAS a device which fits their needs if ONLY Verizon would release the update to the phone.
Furthermore, if Verizon does not release updates to phones which people feel are important in order to continue service with Verizon, WHY would they possibly check out Verizon's current line up knowing full well Verizon will most likely NOT be updating THOSE phones in a manner they consider timely and NOT months after every other provider has released a similar update?
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TimTheK basically covered it. After the way the Galaxy Nexus was handled, why would I EVER want another phone with Verizon? Last night I went ahead and made some changes to my phone on my own, so now it's "shiny" and new again. Like I said, when the Nexus 5 is out, I'm taking my accounts elsewhere.
Thanks for nothing.
Your soon to be former customer, forever.
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Weapon-X why Shiny & not Cyan? I haven't seen Shiny screenshots but the
Firefly reference alone is enough for me LoL
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weapon-x, we want to see you stay with us. Have you seen our device line up lately? http://bit.ly/zpAY1E I'm sure that we offer a device that will fit your needs. Let's work this out.
I saw this once on TV. It was called the Charlie Brown Cell Phone Special! He gets grandfathered, keeps paying high rates that include paying the subsidy for a new phone he can never use (unless he gives up his unlimited data). Then, he tries to kick a football that the VZ moderator is holding, and it gets pulled away at the last minute. Charlie goes sailing through the air, all the while thinking, "But they PROMISED me timely updates!!!"
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As a VZ Galaxy Nexus user with a grandfathered unlimited data plan, I agree 100%. Although, my fear is that they WANT to get rid of us. Considering the texts/calls I've received trying to convince me to "upgrade" (and lose my unlimited data), I have a feeling they may rather cut us loose for more profitable customers. Thank goodness for used phones (how I got my Nexus to begin with, thankyouverymuch).
Anyway, if they know that bringing the N5 to VZ will likely just mean that they will lose a bunch of grandfathered unlimited data customers who buy the phone outright (or used a few months later), then they may not have any good reason to allow it on the network. After all, the vast majority of their Android users are perfectly fine with the Samsung/HTC/Motorola versions of the OS.
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Very good observation Dabogues. The unlimited under VZ is truly unlimited due to the fact they purchased the spectrum from the US Govt. USG stated that, "If you buy it, you cannot restrict how your customers use it." VZ agreed, and continued charging for tethering. An FCC ruling forced them to not be able to block tethering, or to charge for "an additional two whole GB to tether with!"
I think that is also the reason they stopped blocking google wallet. (That or they figured out FX would've sued them for using 'ISIS' as their name for their GW copy...)
Another reason they may be stonewalling is, they don't want a 2 year old phone to have a better OS than their current flagship phones. They are pushing the HTC one, moto x, and their line of droid branded phones pretty hard. They don't want an non-available phone to have a more current OS.