I dunno about you guys... but this is the best phone I've ever had.

Yeah, 4G isnt always there. But, this phone is BLAZING fast. I've had maybe 5 stutters of lag in the last week or so that i've had it. Coming from a Droid Incredible, this is a godsend. 


I had to set Force GPU Rendering and Window and Transition Animation Scale to 0.5x, and thats all this phone needed.


Honestly, here are the improvements I'd ask for, but these ARE NOT complaints; these are things that I'm happy without and even happier with:


1. Camera: same as Nexus, but make it 8MP as well as a bit higher quality

2. Give us the option for a fixed menu button (like the on screen home button -- just leave a menu button right there in the bottom right corner).

3. Give us the ability to create shortcuts to any setting and application (IE, i want to be able to jump directly to Developer Options, or I want to have a shortcut for Voice Search on the bottom of my screen.)




4. MAKE A 3D phone LIKE THE EVO 3D!!


But, HONESTLY verizon, you did a good job in my book on this one. And the customer service was phenomenal, rep named Steven helped me. I couldn't be happier right now with this phone. Keep trying to do things with the customer in mind :smileyhappy:




Mr. Happy Customer for once.

1 Reply
Specialist - Level 1

roadrunnersk wrote:

Yeah, 4G isnt always there. But, this phone is BLAZING fast. I've had maybe 5 stutters of lag in the last week or so that i've had it. Coming from a Droid Incredible, this is a godsend. 


I had to set Force GPU Rendering and Window and Transition Animation Scale to 0.5x, and thats all this phone needed.


Honestly, here are the improvements I'd ask for, but these ARE NOT complaints; these are things that I'm happy without and even happier with:


1. Camera: same as Nexus, but make it 8MP as well as a bit higher quality

for me, 5mp is good enough. If I want to take a picture for a portrait, I will get my DSLR out :smileyvery-happy:

2. Give us the option for a fixed menu button (like the on screen home button -- just leave a menu button right there in the bottom right corner).

This is an app issue. Apps that have not been compiled with ICS API installed (Most of the apps), the menu button will jump around, but for Google apps that are preinstalled, the menu is in its proper place. There are a couple of exceptions, where the Google app has a menu in a different spot that the other apps. At times it can be frustrating since you do not have it in the sameplace for everything, but I am starting to like the 'no hardware button' concept with ICS.

3. Give us the ability to create shortcuts to any setting and application (IE, i want to be able to jump directly to Developer Options, or I want to have a shortcut for Voice Search on the bottom of my screen.)

 There is a shortcut to settings in the notification bar. Press on the settings icon looking thing, and it will bring you to the settings menu. Not as nice as a shortcut to the specific setting, but this allows you not to take up home screen real estate with a shortcut to settings.



4. MAKE A 3D phone LIKE THE EVO 3D!!

Not a feature that I would want personally, but that is nice about Android..... different strokes for different folks, unlike Apple where everyone has to have the same hardware.


But, HONESTLY verizon, you did a good job in my book on this one. And the customer service was phenomenal, rep named Steven helped me. I couldn't be happier right now with this phone. Keep trying to do things with the customer in mind :smileyhappy:




Mr. Happy Customer for once.

You are right.... this is a good phone. I came from the Droid X world, and having a phone without blur is simply great. Apps run much better, less problems with apps and it works good for me. One thing I noticed, I have an app I use when driving, which gives me my speed, direction, and the temp of where I am currently located. On the X, sometimes it took up to three minutes for the GPS to start working. With the Nexus, the GPS is working with 20-30 seconds.


