MMS Not sending, APN settings?
Enthusiast - Level 1

I've been checking the forums and there doesn't seem to be any direct answers to this problem so I thought I'd start a more detailed thread.

I have a Galaxy Nexus that has been pretty dependable until about a week ago.  For some reason, it hangs on sending pictures via MMS.  I can receive them but when I try sending, it won't go through.  When I use ChompSMS, it shows the spinning "sending" circle indefinitely.  When I try through the stock Messaging app, it just shows the word, "Sending" but never does. 

Here's a list of what I've tried after searching the forums:

1) Reboot, no difference

2) Checked mobile data and it shows as allowed.  Disable, re-enabled, rebooted, no difference.

3) Tried adjusting my APN settings but there are so many variable that I don't know which are accurate/current.

4) Sacrificed a chicken nugget to Zul.  No difference.  (Maybe no BBQ sauce next time?)

5) Powered down, pulled battery for five minutes, replaced battery and powered back on, no difference.

6) Tried sending with WiFi on then off, turned WiFi off before sending, turned WiFi off then power cycled, no difference.

7) Third party app to adjust APN settings and then reset to default, no difference.

I think that's everything, but I'm not positive.  I've been working on it for a while.  Question is, does anyone know that current and official APN settings for the Verizon network? 

Also, I have to use a third party app to adjust my APN settings now.  Going Settings>More>Mobile Networks no longer brings me to the APN settings.  Is that from an update to 4.2.2?

Any help is appreciated.  I'm not due for an upgrade for a while yet and I'm actually pretty fond of the phone.  I can screen shot and post APN settings if need be. 

34 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Try sending yourself a picture text from your phone and see if that 'unhangs' things.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Appreciate the tip, that's something I tried with no change.  I'm afraid that when it finally starts working, I'm going to have 60 MMS pics go out all at once. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I also tried dl'ing Verizon's messaging app and had the same results.  I'm guessing there's a problem with the APN settings but I can't find any consistent or default settings to compare to.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Call customer service from another phone and ask them to reset the text message and picture messages from their end. They will likely ask you to turn off the phone and remove the SIM card for a few minutes, reassemble and boot up the phone.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Customer Service Rep

Hi Mclark096,

Let's look into this! Your efforts are greatly appreciated! I would love the opportunity to review your account settings. At your leisure, DM your name and wireless number. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks for your contribution to our community forums,


Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

Enthusiast - Level 1

I also am having numerous problems sending MMS messages. I also have attempted the troubleshooting tips suggested by MClark096. with no success. Please help. this is extremely frustrating.

Enthusiast - Level 2

If you find an answer I would love to see it.  I have problems sending MMS messages as well.  In one case one finally delivered three weeks after it was initially sent.  They sometimes send and other times sit in a sending state for days to weeks.

Customer Service Rep

Hi there rabscuttle!

Of course, I'm very sorry to learn you're having similar issues. But, we're here to alleviate them as best we can.

First, I have to ask what kind of troubleshooting you've gone through. A lot of steps provided by the original poster are fantastic and a great way to see if your problems differ at all. Also, are you using a third party messaging app? It's important in this case to make sure you uninstall all third party messaging apps and test via the stock app. For now, please remove/reinsert the SIM card after 30 seconds for a network refresh and we'll take it from there.


Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

Enthusiast - Level 2

This is on a stock Verizon Galaxy Nexus with 4.2.2 using the default messaging app.  Some MMS messages will send.  Some fail.  Two pictures were sent within minutes of each other from the same location with the same network state. One went and the other is still in a "sending" state over a week later. Once the message goes into the sending state we can't do anything to it.  It stays in that state or eventually goes through.  We have done a sim card pull, battery pull, tried 3G only, 4G, on wifi.  I would look at the APN settings, but they seem to be hidden in 4.2.2.  Data is enabled on the phone and it works some times, it is just unpredictable so far as to when it will work and when it will not.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have the same exact issue.

Stock Verizon Gnex, stock messaging app.  SUPER inconsistent in sending/receiving MMS.

I've tried battery pulls, sim card pulls, etc.

Happens connected to Wi/Fi or not connected to Wi/Fi.  Data is always enabled on phone.

Please advise with a fix, I would be incredibly grateful - It's the simple things that will drive you crazy.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Is there some other information you need from us to look into this further?  I still have a message from last week sitting on my phone that won't send.

Enthusiast - Level 2

VZ Wireless Customer Support

As I'm sure you &/or your team has seen - this is a real issue, on STOCK Verizon devices, with stock messaging app, that has been going on for quite some time (I personally, have seen this issue since the purchase of my Google Nexus, which was back in November.)  There are forums LOADED with complaints of the same thing all over Android forums.

As VZ customers we PAY for multimedia messaging service, & as it stands right now, this service is not working for us on a device that we PAID you for.

Please advise with a fix for this ASAP.

Customer Service Rep

Hi Rabscuttle,

MMS messages are very important! I would be frustrated as well, if this was not working. What happens when you send a message? Are you on wi-fi when this happens? Keep me posted.

Pamela F.
Tweet us @vzwsupport

Enthusiast - Level 2

From my above post "Once the message goes into the sending state we can't do anything to it.  It stays in that state or eventually goes through.  We have done a sim card pull, battery pull, tried 3G only, 4G, on wifi."

The status of the message changes to "sending" then sometime in the next hour to three weeks it may send.

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for the update rabscuttle. I want to submit your info to our product team for investigation. I've followed a few of you in the thread. Can you please send me a private message with your IMEI and software and baseband version from Settings, About phone? IMEI should be under Status.

Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

Enthusiast - Level 2

I sent you a Private Message with my details, willing to try anything to get this fixed.

Thank you!


Enthusiast - Level 2


If you read through this entire thread, your questions would have been answered.  This is occurring on WiFi, on 3G, on Edge, on 4G, without any differences.  Applies to random MMS messages (including group texts) & is happening on the STOCK Verizon Galaxy Nexus with the STOCK messaging app.

Can you please escalate this issue?  There are many, many people having this problem.

Thank you,


Enthusiast - Level 2

I had posted another reply, but have done more troubleshooting since then.

I have a similar issue - I cannot retrieve MMS from T-Mobile users.  (Other carrier messages seem to get through.)

Stock Galaxy Nexus, Stock Jellybean 4.2.2., Stock messaging app.

  • I cannot receive MMS from T-Mobile. (Apparently it works for other carriers, and SMS is fine.)
    • I do not get a "Failed" message, or "download" message
  • Group messages (where I am one of the recipients) sometimes fail

I REALLY need a fix for this!

Customer Service Rep

GimmeOneReason, we can get to the bottom of this issue. Did you recently port your service from T-Mobile? If so, intercarrier SMS normally take 72 business hours to start working. Do the users receive an error message? Have you ever received MMS from those users?

Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

Enthusiast - Level 2

MarquiaF_VZW - I have been with Verizon since 2009-2010. I have had this particular handset since it was released in December 2011.  Nothing has changed other than the Over-The-Air updates.

People trying to send me an MMS do not receive an error, and I get no indication one has been sent to me. I have never received an MMS from T-Mobile users that I'm aware of, although I have received SMS from same senders. (tested with 3 different friends on T-Mobile)
