No 3G or 4G Service

I am in Vermont and skiing at Stratton mountain. There is a Verizon cell tower on top of the mountain.  It does not matter where I am either right next to the tower or at the base of the mountain.  The Samsung Galexy Nexus has "NO!" Service at all.  Others in my group have excellent coverage.


Verizon must fix this problem and fast otherwise I am returning this phone and will select another Droid phone that works. I hope other will follow suit and return their phones. Poor judgment in releasing this phone too early before the bugs are worked out.


Will Verizon or Google release a patch and when?

3 Replies

I am in NOVA and have not had data service for nearly 2 hours on my Bionic. This is becoming a near daily occurence. I lose data connectivity for at leaset 30 minutes almost every day. 3G/4G agnostic...the service just stops working no matter where I am. Rebooting/Airplane mode does not help

It's a bummer.


Reading through the forums it is difficult to discern if it is the phone (SIM card anyone?) or the Network (no I can't hear you now!!)

Champion - Level 3

Verizon has already issued a statement that the GNex does not report signal strength the same as other phones, but they should be pushing an update to match their other phones:

Having problems with my Nexus in lower 4G areas whereas my Thunderbolt picks up 1-2 bars no problems. Nexus won't even pick up a 4G data signal let alone the 3G is showing no bars, just the 3G status and can barely load web pages. As for the "signal strength issue", its not just what is on the top corner of your phone that let's you know the true strength by the bars you have, you have to go into the settings to see the actual signal readings and compare that to other phones. That's how I knew there was a problem with mine when I compared the Nexus my Thunderbolt side by side. So from my experience, the complaints from the actual customers are more accurate than the websites trying to discredit the issue.