Ordered a Fascinate - Looking like a mistake now
Enthusiast - Level 3

I upgraded to a family share plan in order to get my wife a smart phone.  At the store, she liked the hardware, and the software on the Fascinate, and thats the phone she wanted to get.  Well, the phone is on it's way and will be here Thursday, but I think now after reading about all the issues on here, it is a mistake and we should have gone with something else.


I contacted the Verizon order department and since it is already shipped, they cant cancel it.  They gave me two options, none which sound good.


1.  Simply refuse the package from Fed Ex, it will be returned to Verizon, the current order will cancel out, and then we can place another order next week for a different model.  Problem with this, it will be past the July 7th date when unlimited data is no longer an option. 


2.  Take the phone, and exchange it within 14 days, but be subject to the $35 restocking fee.  We can keep the unlimited data at this point since the order would have been comleted, but if the phone isn't going to work out of the box anyway, I don't think we should have to pay a restocking fee for a faulty phone.


Anyone have any idea if Verizon will wave the restocking fee on a new phone purchase if the phone itself is having so many problems?

27 Replies


I just ordered the Fascinate from Amazon for 1 penny. I have it 5 days now. It is working perfect right now. It's very responsive to touch, its not freezing, no missed text messages. The only problem I had was missed calls when the phone was in sleep mode. I found an easy fix on the forum. I downloaded Soft Locker app from the market place. It keeps the CPU awake when the phone is in sleep mode. Now all call go through no problems.


One thing I would suggest is when you activate your new phone, don't download the update. Once I activated the phone and 3G was active, the pop up came up to update. I hit the back button and the download was cancelled! It hasn't asked me again! The latest software update was the worst yet!


Good luck with the phone! I hope you get a good phone like I did!

Contributor - Level 1

Word from some other people on here is the phones coming from Verizon already have the latest software update on them, so that won't be an option.  Heard the battery was only lasting 4-5 hours as well ever since the 2.2 update.

Contributor - Level 1

LE2Strat wrote:

I upgraded to a family share plan in order to get my wife a smart phone.  At the store, she liked the hardware, and the software on the Fascinate, and thats the phone she wanted to get.  Well, the phone is on it's way and will be here Thursday, but I think now after reading about all the issues on here, it is a mistake and we should have gone with something else.


I contacted the Verizon order department and since it is already shipped, they cant cancel it.  They gave me two options, none which sound good.


1.  Simply refuse the package from Fed Ex, it will be returned to Verizon, the current order will cancel out, and then we can place another order next week for a different model.  Problem with this, it will be past the July 7th date when unlimited data is no longer an option. 


2.  Take the phone, and exchange it within 14 days, but be subject to the $35 restocking fee.  We can keep the unlimited data at this point since the order would have been comleted, but if the phone isn't going to work out of the box anyway, I don't think we should have to pay a restocking fee for a faulty phone.


Anyone have any idea if Verizon will wave the restocking fee on a new phone purchase if the phone itself is having so many problems?

About 3 years ago I ordered a phone from Verizon, got it at home, played with it it, never activated it, decided I didn't like it, and sent it back within the grace period, which was 30 days I believe at that time. I was never charged a restocking fee, because it was never activated. The problem in your situation is the timetable for unlimited data. If you want to have unlimited data , you will probably have to go with option 2. It wouldn't hurt to ask if they would waive the restocking fee, but I wouldn't count on it. Just because others are having problems won't necessarily mean thet you will. Luckily i have had few problems since the latest update. You may find the phone works well for you after all.

Specialist - Level 3

LE2Strat wrote:

I upgraded to a family share plan in order to get my wife a smart phone.  At the store, she liked the hardware, and the software on the Fascinate, and thats the phone she wanted to get.  Well, the phone is on it's way and will be here Thursday, but I think now after reading about all the issues on here, it is a mistake and we should have gone with something else.


I contacted the Verizon order department and since it is already shipped, they cant cancel it.  They gave me two options, none which sound good.


1.  Simply refuse the package from Fed Ex, it will be returned to Verizon, the current order will cancel out, and then we can place another order next week for a different model.  Problem with this, it will be past the July 7th date when unlimited data is no longer an option. 


2.  Take the phone, and exchange it within 14 days, but be subject to the $35 restocking fee.  We can keep the unlimited data at this point since the order would have been comleted, but if the phone isn't going to work out of the box anyway, I don't think we should have to pay a restocking fee for a faulty phone.


Anyone have any idea if Verizon will wave the restocking fee on a new phone purchase if the phone itself is having so many problems?

  Mine and my daughters phones work well, other than an occasional need to restart the phones. The app the person mentioned seems to work with others also to stop the missed calls issue until the fix is pushed.

Contributor - Level 1

How does running that app all the time affect the battery life?

Specialist - Level 3

JasonSCarter wrote:

How does running that app all the time affect the battery life?

  Are you asking in a technical term, or in a battery impact term? As far as the technical side, an app running all the time takes cpu cycles, memory, battery, etc, to allow it to run. That app in particular will not allow the phone to go into deep sleep when not in use, which seems to be the issue with not receiving texts, email, and phone calls while it is in that sleep mode.

 As far as how much it impacts your battery life, I would ask that question to others that are using it. There is also another thread or 2 about the phone call issues, which people talked about the app. Again, it would only be a temporary fix until Verizon pushes out the fix, and also, this is provided you have the issue at all.

Contributor - Level 2

I was getting 9-10 % per hour battery loss

Champion - Level 1

wardcst24 wrote:

I was getting 9-10 % per hour battery loss

eeeek, too much

i average 1% an hour on 2.1

Contributor - Level 1

I know the technical side.....I was asking about that app specifically.


9%-10% an hour seems really bad.  Even as a temporary fix, you culdn't spend an afternoon away from a charger doing anything.


Hopefully the fix comes soon, I'll try to get Verizon to get me a different phone.

Specialist - Level 3

JasonSCarter wrote:

I know the technical side.....I was asking about that app specifically.


9%-10% an hour seems really bad.  Even as a temporary fix, you culdn't spend an afternoon away from a charger doing anything.


Hopefully the fix comes soon, I'll try to get Verizon to get me a different phone.

  Just remember, you may or may not have the issues, it seems to depend on the phone, coverage, etc.

Contributor - Level 1

OK, just got the phone.  It came with 2.1 Update 1 on it.  So....should I stay with this...or do the update it's asking me to do to 2.2?  I heard the phone currently works better under 2.1, and we should hold off on 2.2 until the battery and call issue is fixed.  I know the call issue happens sometimes on 2.1 (and it has happned from time to time on all cell phones I have had), but I heard it is 20 times worse on 2.2. 



Champion - Level 1

im still on 2.1, and no issues

im not planning on updating until i see a good reason to

Contributor - Level 1

Well this my wifes phone...she isn't home from work yet...so I'll let her run it through the tests the next few days and see if it works for what she wants to do.  We may keep it if it has no problems, or exchange it before our 14 days are up.


I'll watch out on here for people saying 2.2 is completely safe.  I am assuming once the call fix and the battery drain fix is done, 2.2 should be pretty safe.


I didn't have any 2.2 update problems on my HTC Incrediable.  Same the Samsung is having so much problem because I really like the hardware on the Fascinate slightly better than mine with the exception that the camera isn't as good on the Samsung.

Contributor - Level 3

mdram4x4 wrote:

im still on 2.1, and no issues

im not planning on updating until i see a good reason to

The only reason for most of us wanted the update is to have Flash and able to move our apps to the SD card

Just wanted to give everyone an update on my new Fascinate. So far I have had 2 problems with the phone.


1. Battery life bad!

2. Missed calls


I was able to fix the missed calls by downloading an app called Soft Locker from the market. It keeps the phone from going into sleep mode. Good for a temp fix for now. No more missed calls!!!


I adjusted some settings to help get more battery life.

1. Turn off WiFi (when out of range from my home the phones battery drained in two hours from fully charged)

2. Turn down brightness of the screen (this helps alot)

3. Battery reset talked about on the forum! (Phone takes alot longer to charge now and lasts 8hrs or so!)

4. Turn off backround data, auto sync! I didn't do this but it will help!

5. Turn off GPS when not in use!


Other than those two problems the phone is great running on build # ED03. I refused the update when it popped up by hitting the back soft key, that cancelled the update! It has not popped up since!


Come on Verizon and Samsung, come up with a software fix soon or give your customers having problems with their phones a chance to change to a different phone! You will loose customers!

Specialist - Level 3

geomimi89 wrote:

Just wanted to give everyone an update on my new Fascinate. So far I have had 2 problems with the phone.


1. Battery life bad!

2. Missed calls


I was able to fix the missed calls by downloading an app called Soft Locker from the market. It keeps the phone from going into sleep mode. Good for a temp fix for now. No more missed calls!!!


I adjusted some settings to help get more battery life.

1. Turn off WiFi (when out of range from my home the phones battery drained in two hours from fully charged)

2. Turn down brightness of the screen (this helps alot)

3. Battery reset talked about on the forum! (Phone takes alot longer to charge now and lasts 8hrs or so!)

4. Turn off backround data, auto sync! I didn't do this but it will help!

5. Turn off GPS when not in use!


Other than those two problems the phone is great running on build # ED03. I refused the update when it popped up by hitting the back soft key, that cancelled the update! It has not popped up since!


Come on Verizon and Samsung, come up with a software fix soon or give your customers having problems with their phones a chance to change to a different phone! You will loose customers!

 I have had my phone since November, and I did the 2.2 update, but refused the ED04 update. My build shows SCH-I500.ED01 . What is the differences between ED01 and ED03, is there an update or something else that I missed?


geomimi89 wrote:

Just wanted to give everyone an update on my new Fascinate. So far I have had 2 problems with the phone.


1. Battery life bad!

2. Missed calls


I was able to fix the missed calls by downloading an app called Soft Locker from the market. It keeps the phone from going into sleep mode. Good for a temp fix for now. No more missed calls!!!


I adjusted some settings to help get more battery life.

1. Turn off WiFi (when out of range from my home the phones battery drained in two hours from fully charged)

2. Turn down brightness of the screen (this helps alot)

3. Battery reset talked about on the forum! (Phone takes alot longer to charge now and lasts 8hrs or so!)

4. Turn off backround data, auto sync! I didn't do this but it will help!

5. Turn off GPS when not in use!


Other than those two problems the phone is great running on build # ED03. I refused the update when it popped up by hitting the back soft key, that cancelled the update! It has not popped up since!


Come on Verizon and Samsung, come up with a software fix soon or give your customers having problems with their phones a chance to change to a different phone! You will loose customers!

Regarding #1 (Turn off WiFi), since I have an unlimited data plan, what good is WiFi anyway (unless I'm in a remote location that has WiFi, but doesn't have a Verizon signal).  Looks like this is simple enough to do for most of us.  But newbies with the 2G monthly data limit may want to use WiFi when it is available.


I plug into the cigarette lighter when using the GPS, but on a recent trip the GPS stopped and I got a message that the battery was too hot.  Someone suggested that the GPS overheated the battery.  Is this true, even though I was running off of the car adapter?  (This also happened shortly before reaching our destination, and we got lost and had to stop at a service station for directions.  Not sure I want to rely on this GPS.  I think I still need the Magellan for backup.)

Contributor - Level 3

jmaxwell92264 wrote:

geomimi89 wrote:

Just wanted to give everyone an update on my new Fascinate. So far I have had 2 problems with the phone.


1. Battery life bad!

2. Missed calls


I was able to fix the missed calls by downloading an app called Soft Locker from the market. It keeps the phone from going into sleep mode. Good for a temp fix for now. No more missed calls!!!


I adjusted some settings to help get more battery life.

1. Turn off WiFi (when out of range from my home the phones battery drained in two hours from fully charged)

2. Turn down brightness of the screen (this helps alot)

3. Battery reset talked about on the forum! (Phone takes alot longer to charge now and lasts 8hrs or so!)

4. Turn off backround data, auto sync! I didn't do this but it will help!

5. Turn off GPS when not in use!


Other than those two problems the phone is great running on build # ED03. I refused the update when it popped up by hitting the back soft key, that cancelled the update! It has not popped up since!


Come on Verizon and Samsung, come up with a software fix soon or give your customers having problems with their phones a chance to change to a different phone! You will loose customers!

Regarding #1 (Turn off WiFi), since I have an unlimited data plan, what good is WiFi anyway (unless I'm in a remote location that has WiFi, but doesn't have a Verizon signal).  Looks like this is simple enough to do for most of us.  But newbies with the 2G monthly data limit may want to use WiFi when it is available.


I plug into the cigarette lighter when using the GPS, but on a recent trip the GPS stopped and I got a message that the battery was too hot.  Someone suggested that the GPS overheated the battery.  Is this true, even though I was running off of the car adapter?  (This also happened shortly before reaching our destination, and we got lost and had to stop at a service station for directions.  Not sure I want to rely on this GPS.  I think I still need the Magellan for backup.)

I have a Garmin GPS and that is all I will ever use when it comes to GPS
Not applicable

I am updating as many forums I can with the following information: 


We have updated our policy on handling missed calls very recently for the Fascinate.


We normally don't request people to call in,but if you are reading this, that may be your best option.  Call 800-922-0204 option 3 for tech support.  Choose the option foradvanced devices and PDAs. This will get you to tech support.


We do have different options available for customers experiencing this issue while we work on the permanent fix to this problem. 


You also have the option to PM me with your cell number, and I'd be happy to review this in detail via phone call or PM. 


Not applicable

Just in case you reach someone who is not aware of this policy, I'm updating as many Fascinate forums as I can:


I need to clarify a little further on this. I will be bolding words, but please do not take it as internet yelling.  I need to make some stuff stand out though. 


On 7-8-11, Verizon Wireless implemented a POLICY on the Fascinate.  Whenever a new policy comes along, all 80,000+ employees are not going to be aware of it immediately.  Not that it's excusable, but it happens from time to time.


If you go to a Verizon Wireless CORPORATE store, and they are unfamiliar with the process, I will post info to guide them on the new policy.  I cannot post the policy because I could get canned, but I can post how to get to the policy. 


Where is this policy? There are 2 ways to get there:


1) Open up InfoManager.  In the search box, type in: "Samsung Fascinate Not Receiving Calls."  This will bring up several search results.  It's the first result that shows up.


2) There is an OST article number for this information.  The OST that can also be typed in the Infomanager search box is 70946.  This will bring up several search results as well.  It's the first option.


Things to note:  This missed call issue is intermittent. 


**There is no fix for it.  It can't be master reset, updated with new software (at this time), battery pulled, *228 update, or network troubleshot.  It does NOT need to be duplicated in-store for a replacement as it is intermittent.  Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't. When it's a known intermittent issue, we should NOT need to duplicate it in the store. **


I hope this helps someone.  This is applicable to Verizon Wireless in both the stores and over-the-phone tech support.  Customer care cannot process these requests over the phone. You MUST speak with tech support.
