Service unavailable Code: 503 when checking for Update....

I have had my Fascinate since Oct. of 2010 it has the 2.1.1 update. My friend got his a month ago and received his 2.2 Sunday. After hearing this I then ran to my phone and checked for an update. It still just said 2.1.1 and listed the date at

which the last update was performed in Oct. I have had some issues with calling and hoped the update would fix them. So

I traveled to the local store where I then showed them the calling concern. When they pulled up the status of the update and it said Service unavailable and had code 503 displayed instead of the last update info. The weird thing was the date and time of the malfunction was May 02 at 5PM about the same time my buddy got his update. They pointed me towards Samsung saying they may be able to push the update. I contacted Samsung in which they replied with a number to Verizon. LOL. I called them and expressed my concerns. They said the typical,  That the updates are random and it could happen at any time. My thought is that it tried to update and a malfunction occurred. I have tried to reboot, pull the battery and check for updates from dusk the dawn with no result. Any Help?????

2 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

Have you tried a master reset? If not, please back up your content and follow the steps below: 


1. From the main screen, touch menu tab

2. Touch Settings
3. Touch Privacy
4. Touch Factory Data reset
5. Touch Reset Phone
6. Touch Erase Everything


If this does not resolve your issue, please send us a personal message with your account and contact information so that we can better assist you. 


Thank you, 



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I had the same problem. Don't reset your phone! Simply go to the Applications/Manage Applications. Then select All. Then look for Software Update. Open this app and clear the data. It appears that you got some bogus value set in the data. Clearing it solves the problem. You should now be able to perform the software update operation without getting the 503 message.
