The carrier debate has been settled, they all suck

AT&T has the crappiest network, Sprint seems to always get phones after they're already a generation old, and Verizon enjoys trapping you with the promise of a Nexus branded device, but not the Nexus experience. It's incredibly frustrating that a developer community that works for free is able to roll things out faster than a $130 Billion dollar company. It's apparent that Verizon is focused more on their profits and bottom line rather than continued product support. It's partly Google's fault for being so fragmented, but when they do get updates out, I do expect Verizon to at least be ahead of the other carriers. Sadly, things won't change unless we all cause a united uproar to VZW. Unfortunately, unless we voice our concerns with our dollars, we'll continually be asking "Verizon, can you hear me now?"

5 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

I know it is a drag when phone updates do not get released in a timely fashion (up until the SIII, I was awaiting ICS for the Rezound), but it is important to remember two important points:

- A corporate entity is not capable of acting according to anything else beyond achieving a higher profit margin. No for-profit business runs and succeeds on the basis of ignoring the "bottom-line". Because of this, they are not necessarily immoral for focusing on profits over the various and fickle demands of the customer base; this is true of all business at all times.

- A public uproar is only a valid means to protest and get results if:

     -There is an invalid reason for delay

     -There are results that could be given

From the people I have spoken to about, at least, the Rezound updates, the delay occurs when the update conflicts with one or more parts of the device being updated. First thought would be "Oh great, first they load our phones with 'bloatware' and now the 'bloatware' is conflicting with the update" and would give anyone further justification to scold their wireless company, but the point is the same: would you rather have an update that would create problems or would you rather wait?


Bloatware should only take a week in the longrun unless there are major framework changes (2.3 to 4.0 is major).  Though it shouldn't take longer than 1 month.  Since your bloatware doesn't all come from Verizon(Yes manufacturers add their own to get residual income just look at the international versions of your devices and see which apps are the same) and from different sources some of them could be slacking to update.  EA for example with Plants vs. Zombies.

The largest problem will lie with the radio.  LTE is new technology for mobile devices.  Radio firmware is going to be adjusted a lot.  Also CDMA the way it's coded(Thanks to Qualcomm...  PITA) when an update comes to Verizon then Qualcomm has to see it test their radios and sign off then go back to Verizon have them test the radios and sign off.  If it doesn't work right... Back to Qualcomm.  You get the picture.  Qualcomm could change how the keys work(which they should have done YEARS ago), but chooses not to.  When VoLTE comes to be I am hoping it'll be more like GSM as far as OPEN goes where the libraries are signed, and proprietary while everything else is not.

Though I have never seen Verizon state their Nexus would be the "Nexus Experience" or "Google Experience".  Google has claimed that which is completely different.  Might I remind you...  Google isn't so forthcoming with their updates as well.  Remember the Nexus S, and Nexus S 4G?  Just look at the difference in versions throughout it's life.  Only recently they are on the same page...  Apple wasn't always on the same page with their devices as well.

Specialist - Level 1

The issue of "bloatware" was just mentioned in passing. At the heart of the post was the message that the delay of the software is most likely due to a conflict in the software with one or more parts of the device.


was just adding up giving some more insight on possible delays.  It's not always the carrier, and it's always easier to blame them.  Qualcomm process for CDMA is terrible.  One of the reasons why our USM ended up not working with CDMA and went GSM even though CDMA tend to be more reliable overall in most areas.  A lot of things took to long that we needed implemented.

Specialist - Level 1

No worries, man. It was already a long day by the time I responded. Sorry if I came off a little mean or aggressive. It is my nature, but I am more inclined now to be a "good" guy. Peace and love, man.
