Verizon equipment fee is a scam!

Two months ago I had just gotten Verizon and was so excited to have them. I used to be with Sprint for 9 years and wanted a change. I had my Nexus 15 days when it started force closing and turning on and off when it wanted to. I called Verizon to ship me a phone since I couldn't get to a store. I was sent a phone and i called verizon to activate the new phone and asked how to ship it back. I was advised to send it the same way the new phone was sent to me. I put the phone back in the box and sent it back. a week later i get an email that the phone screen was cracked and i was responsible. Of course I called Verizon to find out the details. Long story short after going thru the post office to get some of the money back and arguing for 2 months with Verizon about me not cracking the screen nothing was done.i was told that i was responsible for putting the phone in bubble wrap to protect it. WHAT A CROOK!!!!! I filed a claim with the post office for them to tell me bc i didn't get insurance on the prepaid box verizon sent me, me and verizon are liable. I called Verizon back and they said once you are charged the fee whether you're liable or not you have to pay the $300 fee. So basically Verizon can charge you whatever they want and have no way of you to cover yourself. WHAT A SCAM AND RIP OFF. I thought about it today and i am going back to Sprint tomorrow. VERIZON IS THE WORSE CELLPHONE COMPANY EVER. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MONEY STAY AWAY FROM VERIZON. I have a friend that works for the radio station in San Diego and I am tempted to tell her to mention this on the air or call in if anyone else has had a problem with this company. Please if you have had a problem with Verizon call or email the BBB like I am doing after I write this. they cant continue to charge whatever they want with no consequences. I hope this posting helps someone to switch to another carrier and save yourself the heart ache and pain that im going thru. 

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It's amazing how you have managed to waste time and space to email "BYE". What a perfect waste of my 6 G worth of data. Nice if you have any other useful information save your comment and my data. Thanks
