Voicemail won't automatically refresh and won't refresh when I try to do it manually
Enthusiast - Level 1

For the past few months I've been having issues with getting voicemails.  My voicemail won't refresh automatically and most of the time when I do it manually, it spins for a long time before either doing nothing or brining up error code 9007.

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Zip code-43103

I'm on wifi 99% of the time as I work from home and rarely leave.

This has caused me problems multiple times now where I didn't get important messages.

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I know how bad this can get without that functioning. I located another Samsung user experiencing the same

Below it recommends.
Go to setting applications >  applications manager > top right click more than first option  > show system apps >  scroll down to voicemail.
Force stop, confirm, then data clear data confirm.

Power phone off turn phone on call yourself and leave yourself a voicemail.


Let us know if this helps or not


Enthusiast - Level 2


Go to Settings-Apps-Voicemail, scroll down to Battery. Turn on  UNRESTRICTED. E-Mail, Text and Phone are all unrestricted. The other settings, Optimized, Restricted, etc. are for battery useage.  IMHO, I think the VM app button "goes to sleep" after a bit and probably is supposed to "wake up" when a VM comes in but it isn't. 

I made all the suggested changes and nothing worked for mo0re than a day. I made this one change and by the tome I closed the Settings App and went to my home page I had notifications of VMs and when I clicked on the app button they immediately popped up.

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