Weird web browsing behavior
Specialist - Level 1
I have yet to see anyone else mention this issue, so maybe it's just me, but I would really appreciate someone else checking it. Set your browser to desktop mode, then log into For me the left pane is acting very strange. Another test. From your phone's browser, log into and change your background image. I can't select an image. One final test. Change your background image from your PC or a device still running gingerbread. Then load your google homepage from the nexus. The search bar is missing as are all of the tabs across the top. If you tap in just the right place, the search bar will appear but then you can slide it all over the page. This happens with both the stock browser and with dolphin, in desktop mode.
6 Replies
Specialist - Level 1
As I suspected, it's a java problem. I disabled javascript and my homepage comes up but doesn't display the background image. When I went to, it complained that javascript was not enabled. This has to be due to the Oracle lawsuit.
Specialist - Level 1
It really doesn't bother anyone else that this "top of the line" device has trouble with web browsing, especially on google's own website?
Specialist - Level 1
Specialist - Level 1

pool_shark wrote:
It really doesn't bother anyone else that this "top of the line" device has trouble with web browsing, especially on google's own website?

I don't use the desktop mode for websites, I would rather use the mobile websites. I haven't had any problems with any websites that I have loaded.

Not applicable

Hello pool_shark, thank you for alerting us to some of the concerns you have with your device. I did try the tests you mentioned. First, I was not able to find any issues with the links on the lefthand side when logged into Gmail. You stated the left pane is acting strange, what exactly is happening? 


For the second issue, I was able to duplicate after choosing Request desktop site. If you just choose Classic at the bottom of the page, it appears normally without the picture. You posted a link to an issue reported to Google, but this issue seems to be different. Did you report this issue to Google? 

Specialist - Level 1

MarquiaF_VZW wrote:

Hello pool_shark, thank you for alerting us to some of the concerns you have with your device. I did try the tests you mentioned. First, I was not able to find any issues with the links on the lefthand side when logged into Gmail. You stated the left pane is acting strange, what exactly is happening? 


For the second issue, I was able to duplicate after choosing Request desktop site. If you just choose Classic at the bottom of the page, it appears normally without the picture. You posted a link to an issue reported to Google, but this issue seems to be different. Did you report this issue to Google? 

Thanks for the reply.


All of the test I requested were to be done in desktop mode.


When logging into gmail, the left pane doesn't show up until I move my finger over that area, even then the links are not accurate. If I tap spam a different link opens, it's the same with sent and others.


For the second issue. I don't want it to appear without the picture, I want the picture displayed along with the search bar and tabs across the top, just as it's supposed to be and is on the PC. It worked fine on the Droid X.

You cannot select an image to display from the Nexus. If you set the image from the PC and view the page from the Nexus, all you see is the picture.


The link I posted was just to show that the Nexus does indeed have a javascript problem. I did submit a bug report for the issues I mentioned.
