Where is my jelly bean 4.2 update? I HATE YOU VERIZON
Enthusiast - Level 3

After months of waiting for 4.1 update, AGAIN, the VZ galaxy nexus is the last and only device without the update.  And a month behind sprint.  Supposedly another update 4.2.2 is releasing soon.....

Counting down the days until my contract ends.......

16 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

I am in complete agreement with you that Verizon ROYALLY failed to deliver.

Contributor - Level 2

Indeed, we should be going over this again, and again, and again until we get what we were promised.  We were promised a nexus, not a cheap bait and switch ploy.  I feel we were lied  to by VZW,  and I don't see a good faith effort on the part of VZW to live up to their own marketing of the Gnex. 


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Contributor - Level 3

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Enthusiast - Level 3

Agreed. Verizon is more worried about delaying updates than to helping

customers on a help forum.

On Feb 17, 2013 11:23 PM, "carseller0822" <community@verizonwireless.com>

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am weaning my family off Verizon as our contracts end.  The time has come to be contract free!

The Nexus 4 is a really good choice right now except for the lack of LTE.  Give it another year and we should have multiple offerings to choose from.  We might even have a high speed cellular offering from Google!

Contributor - Level 1

we are doing the same things with our 6 lines, as each contract comes up we will not upgrade or anything and when all are up we will leave, hopefully by then the Dish/ Google carrier will be up and running. Google is about to announce they are opening brick and mortar stores by the end of this year and it might mean the carrier with dish may start too, extreme maybe there, but the stores are for real. We are not impressed with the "fast" lte speeds of 11 down and 5 up in St.Louis and even worse when I go to Chicago where it is spotty flipping between 3g and 4g all over and killing my battery going back and forth there. Also no one here wants/ likes the price gouging data tiers, and this update debacle is ridiculous.


Not applicable

RaZorSharp wrote:

I am weaning my family off Verizon as our contracts end.  The time has come to be contract free!

The Nexus 4 is a really good choice right now except for the lack of LTE.  Give it another year and we should have multiple offerings to choose from.  We might even have a high speed cellular offering from Google!

If you're going to be off contract what does it matter that you don't have LTE? You can't get a pre-paid 4G LTE plan anyway.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I agree with everyone that this issue should continue to be brought up over and over again until Verizon finally does something about this. It's a travesty that the phone hasn't been updated since Sept.

Contributor - Level 3

take a few minutes and fire off complaints to the BBB and the FCC. Within a few days you'll get a phone call from someone in the "Executive Offices" of Verizon and they will apologize and tell you the same thing you've already heard. It doesn't really accomplish much but it does cause issues for Verizon. The fact that they have to pay someone to follow up on all the complaints makes it almost worthwhile.

Not applicable

Yes and they'll make up that having to pay someone by raising prices. So good job. do you think business eat costs? Nope they are passed on to customers.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I wish they would respond and tell us whether we are going to get an update or not. They just leave you in the dark. I'm sure a decision has been made. I just need to know a yes or no. This way we are not waiting like idiots. Boy these duopolies are really annoying....

Community Leader
Community Leader

tkrisk wrote:

I wish they would respond and tell us whether we are going to get an update or not. They just leave you in the dark. I'm sure a decision has been made. I just need to know a yes or no. This way we are not waiting like ******. Boy these duopolies are really annoying....

None of the carriers announce when an system update is coming to happen until it is either happening at that moment or it is ready to go in the next day or two (ie the Tbolt and DROID Incredible updates in the last week). The support representatives won't know an update is coming either as they usually find out the same time as the customers.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 3

The carrier may not know exactly when an update is coming, but they certainly would know that one is NEVER coming.

Enthusiast - Level 3

No, Verizons would have to care about the paying customer to let you know that your phone is not ever going to be updated.  If they just leave you hanging and waiting indedinately, they can keep getting paid.  Money is number one.  The customer is number zero.

Enthusiast - Level 2

verizon thanks for nothing.

Gotta love to hate this company for <Deleted> over every owner of the Google/Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

June needs to hurry along.

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