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For almost the past two years I've been a reluctant Verizon customer. I chose the service based on a device (the Galaxy Nexus) and I'm leaving the service behind as soon as I get my hands on a new Nexus 5. I wanted to post my reasons why I willingly will pay to end my contract a month and a half early because I feel every Verizon subscriber deserves to know my rationale.
First and foremost, Verizon provides a service to connect to a cellular data and voice network (CDMA/LTE). It is just that a "service". I really encourage Verizon to recognize that is your business, to provide your consumers a service. While I've been quite pleased with my service (great voice coverage, fast LTE speeds), I have not at all been pleased with the support of my device. As stated, I own a Galaxy Nexus which is a Google branded device, manufactured by Samsung, and sold to work on Verizon's network. All very basic things, however Verizon at no point intended this to be a Nexus device because they insisted on retesting all of Google's updates because apparently they have zero trust in the testing Google does. Excuse me, Google is not a fly by night, ma and pop operation. They are very thorough in their testing and would never send a device or update that hasn't been through rounds of testing. Verizon allows Apple to own their devices and does not get in the way of timely updates to iOS, however a Nexus device is somehow different? Well Verizon, you're wrong.
I will be taking my business to AT&T because they have a model where unlocked phones can be brought onto their network and have no issues with Google owning the Nexus ecosystem. AT&T merely will be selling me a service, not hindering my device from updates.
While it would be great if Verizon would embrace a open handset model, I just don't see it happening and it became clear with the recent Nexus 7 that was announced to work on your network, when in fact you wouldn't allow it. Many reports note people swapped their SIM card in and it worked just fine, but you continue to spin your wheels and fail to fully support Android.
Finally, I am somewhat sad to leave given the service has been outstanding, but I encourage you to reconsider what a Nexus device means and the hands off approach by a provider it entails. Maybe one day I will be back, but for now I'm not looking back on my decision. I feel many other customers feel the way I do and once the Nexus 5 is available you may see a dip in your business.
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Never understood why iOS gets a free pass and no delays with iOS control but stock android on a Nexus got delayed so badly and vzw had to test vigorously what Google already spent time and money doing. I can understand skinned versions with old moto blur, sense, touchwiz, and what ever LG uses, but Google is a giant in the tech world and knows what its doing on the software side.
I wish the Nexus 5 would come to VZW, but after all the bad press articles I read about VZW and Google, I guess we'll never see another Nexus device again on VZW unless it's an LTE only version, but after seeing what happened to the LTE only N 7 I guess that is doubtful too. I saw all the videos of phone lte sims working on an N 7.
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You don't see the delays on iOS because Apple waits until all the carrier approvals are completed. There was both a beta version and version of iOS 7 released to developers prior to public release. Verizon Wireless and the other carriers would have been doing their testing on those versions.
I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.
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N7 doesn't activate Sims properly... If the Sim is already activated it works fine. Google is supposed to fix it soon(supposedly with KitKat update, but so far reports show otherwise).
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Verizon chooses to do more for their customers because most customers would blame them first. T-Mobile forums prove this with their BYOD mantra. Regardless where they get the device from carriers often get blamed first. I understand Verizon's stance and why they choose to do what they do. If they are going to get blamed for something they might as well have some control right? I know if I was going to get blamed for something I'd like to have control of how something is done. I'd expect people not to blame me if I had no control...
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Verizon it seems from my experience is simply to expensive to be praticle for everyday use. between the overages and the high mark up on data they will kill your wallet if you stream content on a regular basis. and the whole 4g thing is just innaccurate 4g is a min speed of 100mbps and nobody has that you can peak close to that but the min they are using is 10 mbps which is simply not 4g so they are all lying about that. Look I bought this crap phone made by steve send your jobs to china and my wife racked up a huge bill using the mobile network to stream nursury rhyms to the baby. I went on the website here to find out how much i need to bleed my wallet for to get away from these charletons unlock this one button wonder crap phone and get metro pcs for my wife unlimited 4g for 60 a month so i dont have to pay 200 a month for nursury rhyms on you tube. oh and btw my speeds consistantly tested between 6-8 mbps so at no time did we ever see 4g by any definition I get 15-24mbps on my galaxy using metro unlimited here in the bay area and it rocks still not true 4g but not bad for stream or vid chat. and its not a capped amount of data i get those speeds all month long. and this website is about as usefull as a [removed]. cant even see what I owe to buy out of this [removed] garbage factory
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