IP Address Pool

Greetings all.

I have returned to the Verizon family after my DSL internet went down and after 2 weeks Frontier had still not restored service and would give me no updates on status.

I had originally been with GTE then Verizon then Frontier over the years at the same address.

Here is my question:

Previously on my DSL I had PPPoE  with a dynamic IP address.

In order to access my work computer systems the firewall needed approved IP addresses of origin. The IP pool for my PPPoE connections was limited enough that a range of addresses could be set on the work firewall.

Can I obtain a list of the ranges of IP addresses for the dynamic IP address for my Gateway?

Of the half dozen or so addresses I have been assigned so far it looks like only the first two octets of the IPv4 addresses repeat. Since resetting the gateway is a rather lengthy process it will take a quite a bit of time to try to narrow down the IP pool ranges on my own.

Thank you.

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Happy Monday! Being on top of your service is importance, especially if you are managing your IP Addresses. Verizon is here to help.


Please tell us more, which service do you have (Verizon FiOS or Verizon Wireless Home Internet)?



Hello, I have the 5G Home Internet plan using the Verizon Internet Gateway (WNC-CR200A).

It's a pain as every time I need to access work remotely and my IP address has changed I have to wait for their system support group to edit the firewall.