Slow speeds and disconnects on 5g home internet monopoly go free dice

I purchased 5 home internet in 2022 and had a large gateway (LVSKIHP). This internet was amazing and getting over 1000mbps! That gateway had a hardware issue and it was replaced with a new one (LV65) that now has to connect to a router. The signal is absolutely horrible and we are paying for home plus internet. We are getting less than 30mbps download, which the minimum that support stated we would get on LTE if 5G signal was hampered would be 300mbps download. My wife and I work from home and this is causing tremendous issues. I have contacted support for this several times and I just get the same old troubleshooting steps. Then I get transferred and have to repeat those steps. I need help as we are just going in circles!

1 Reply
Enthusiast - Level 1

Do you think the LV65  receiver is the problem? Having an outdoor antenna should be a plus, but Iโ€™m seeing other problems like yours reported.