Decisions, decisons....

I have been a dedicated Blackberry user for about ten years now. I'm disappointed that Verizon has not come out with a newer Blackberry on par with the iPhone, and I'm seriously considering switching. Any suggestions?

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7 Replies
Champion - Level 1

does RIM (the company that makes bb) have anything comparable to the iphone?

vzw has/had the storm iirc


what do they make that you want?

i though bb was kinda stagnated atm

Enthusiast - Level 2

A lot of blackberry users have switched to the iPhone.  I have ready they miss the notification light. I have the iPhone.  I had a basic Samsung phone.  I love the iPhone.  I cannot say anything negative about it at this time.  I spent months trying to decide if I should make this purchase.  I am so glad that I did. 

Contributor - Level 1

It's up to RIM to make it, not Verizon.


RIM will likely never release anything on par with an iPhone or a high end Android.  They've had since 2007, when the original iPhone came out, to get their act together and build a competitive Blackberry phone that can compete with Apple.  It's 4 years later, and there's still not a single device made by Blackberry that I feel compelled to buy.  All their touchscreen phones have been disasters, and navigating websites on the Curve/Bold/Tour is just a pain in the **bleep**.


After having used a Droid Incredible for a year, and now the iPhone, I couldn't imagine how painful it would be to try to go back to my previous Blackberry.


Go for it- it's not perfect, but the iPhone is a great device.

Champion - Level 3

I was also a BB user for a few far as a comparable BB to the iPhone...that is not a Verizon issue. That is solely a RIM issue. There has not been one created. The Torch has been popular for some users but it's not the iPhone and it's not a VZ product. As for switching from BB...there will be a few adjustment things you will have to deal with...especially since you've used BB's for as long as you have. If you used BBM alot you will likely miss it, but unless you don't have a sufficient texting plan or you don't want to or won't use one of the many texting Apps available then it won't be a huge deal. Depending on the type of email you use you may miss the virtually flawless email system (as far as instantly receiving your emails versus interval fetching), but that may not be a huge issue either. Small little annoyances may bother you (being able to change individual sounds for some alerts isn't available or is limited to installed sounds. You can use custom ringtones but only for ringtones, not for texts, etc) led light notification seems to be an annoyance that has been mentioned...none of these are major issues despite complaints. I say this because many forget that once upon a time not that long ago many of these things weren't possible at all. Point being...there are definitely going to be some  differences that you will have to adjust to. It doesn't mean that the iPhone (or anything other than a BB you have been used to for 10 years) is bad or a lesser device. It's just different. I will say that overall, if you're coming from a BB you will be happy with the iPhone and what it has to offer. Just be prepared for a little adjustment time.



I have used a blackberry for three years prior i pre ordered the iPhone...i had the 8330, the tour and then the bold....i switched to the iPhone, it had many COOL features, like web browsing, apps, the amazing screen, facetime which nobody uses....etc...but the thing that a phone must do, apple doesnt think is important enough.....texting is horendous on this phone...the keyboard is good for a touchscreen phone but if your coming from a blackberry you wont be happy...the mail is also just as bad, almost no features and its a whole mission to type up an email compared to blackberry. So is making a simple call, you have to press so many buttons to call someone. The iPhone is cool and i thought i needed it, i got it for the web browsing, apps etc....but then i noticed how little i realy used the browser and all the cool but unnesecary features...and thats when i made the decision to return my iPHone and use my old blackberry bold.....i have been using my bold for 10 days so far and im VERY HAPPY that i hurt the first day but i will be very happy soon especially when i see the new iphones coming out this year and next......but even if the new iphones dont come out....i wouldnt go near the iPhone if you use your phone for commmunication more than for media use....


Hope this helps...

Contributor - Level 2

RIM is falling behind in the competition very quickly. Android and Apple are moving up.
