Iphone 7 dropping calls where I used to get service

For the past 3-4 months, my iphone 7 has consistently dropped calls in a 10-15 mile stretch on U.S. Hwy 431 between zip codes 36027 and 36310.  I used to get great service here and there are several towers in that area however I'm unsure if they are supported by Verizon.  Yesterday I had a total of 7 calls dropped and sometimes it will say "No Service".  Other customers are having the same problem however it seems to be more people with iphones.  Just curious to what happened and if anyone knows what can fix it.

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1 Reply
Verizon Employee
I know dropped calls are annoying and I certainly want to try my best to reduce or eliminate them for you, wemckenzie. Coverage may vary day to day due to a variety of reasons such as cell site changes, foliage, construction, population changes, and interference. I noticed the terrain in those zip codes may also create variations in service but let’s take a closer look at ways I can help. I’d like you to navigate to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Enable LTE. If it’s set to Voice & Data, change it to Data Only and if it’s set to Data Only, change it to Voice & Data. Once that’s changed, please use the steps at https://www.verizonwireless.com/simulator/Apple/iphone_7/embedded.html?#FEATURE_DEVICE_SIM to remove your SIM for about 30 seconds then put the SIM back in and power it back on to allow for the change to take full effect. Try calls in those same areas and let me know what you changed it to and what the outcome of your testing is.


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