Stolen upon delivery

Same thing is happening to me today. My package was suppose to get here yesterday saying it’s delivered but I was at work all day soo who signed for it?????? N it’s not “in front of my door step” I would’ve seen it when I got to the door I thought this packages were suppose to b more secure I called customer service supposedly they gonna try n track it w the IP address idk how they gonna track it down but ok lol they prolly jst told me that so I wouldn’t get upset 😂 😂 good one customer service u got me cus idk how that’s possible. Hopefully they don’t close my account because I’m not paying for a phone that I never touched or signed for it’s suppose to b my signature, my approval. I’ve been w Verizon for a full year never missed a payment hopefully I don’t loose my account for something so dumb, idk why they jst didn’t leave it at the office they usually do that with all my packages it’s weird this package was “delivered to my door” hopefully I don’t start having problems w you guys wouldn’t want to leave to a different service.

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

We hear you and we want to help however we can, Andres! To continue, please send us a Private Note, so we can get started helping you with this tonight! *Kris
