Why won't my flashlight turn off?
Enthusiast - Level 2

My LED flash light comes on whenever my phone is bumped or jiggled or squeezed! the only way I could turn it of was taping the other side opposite to the camera! If there is anything i could do about this because it drains my battery! Please help!

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1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 1

My camera flash started coming on to notify me of new emails. It started after the recent software update.

The solution to get the feature to turn off was to go into Settings... Accessibility... and scroll down to "Flash notification" under the Hearing section. There seemed to be a bug in the recent software update. This setting on my phone was already marked as Off, but I was getting the notifications anyway. To get the flash notifications to stop, I needed to turn the setting On and exit out of settings, then go back in and turn it Off again. This time the selection took.

There was another discussion in here that recommended turning the phone off and then back on in between making changes to the setting. For me, that step was not necessary.

View solution in original post

5 Replies
Customer Service Rep

That shouldn't be happening, jtaylorc!  I would be happy to assist you with this device issue.

Just so that I'm clear on what you're experiencing, please advise which light feature on the device you're referring to.  Are you referring to the camera flash on the back side of the device or the LED notification light on the front screen?  When did this problem begin?  Has your phone been damaged or gotten wet in any way?

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Enthusiast - Level 2

It is the camera flash on the back! No water damage and I have an otter box defender case on my phone!

Customer Service Rep

jtaylorc thanks for the clarification! Lets get your device running smoothly again! Have you tried to power the device off and on to see if the flashes stops? If so and still having the trouble, I would recommend completing a Hard Reset on the device http://vz.to/NkrLRS

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Enthusiast - Level 1

My camera flash started coming on to notify me of new emails. It started after the recent software update.

The solution to get the feature to turn off was to go into Settings... Accessibility... and scroll down to "Flash notification" under the Hearing section. There seemed to be a bug in the recent software update. This setting on my phone was already marked as Off, but I was getting the notifications anyway. To get the flash notifications to stop, I needed to turn the setting On and exit out of settings, then go back in and turn it Off again. This time the selection took.

There was another discussion in here that recommended turning the phone off and then back on in between making changes to the setting. For me, that step was not necessary.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks for the help by my problem was a pysical damage to the hardware inside the found seemed to be causing the camera to power even when the phone was off! I had to smack the phone to turn it off which was actually pretty cool but I got it fixxed by myself! Thanks for the help though!