Blacklist IMEI
I purchased this iphone 14 pro max from Facebook marketplace from someone a couple of months ago. The phone was unlocked and everything seemed good. I even contacted apple and they told me it is fit to purchase.  From a past few weeks I have not been getting network services and stuck in SOS, so I contacted my current carrier and apple and I got to know that the seller reported it stolen or lost  and did an insurance fraud.  I am stuck with this, I did a police complaint as well but they told me only Verizon can help me with with this. I have all the chats and the payment proof that I bought this phone. I am an international student and I literally can't afford to buy another phone now. I spend every penny of my savings on the phone. Could you please help me out please!??
I have all the chats and the payment proof that I bought this phone.
1 Reply
Champion - Level 1

Sorry to hear about your experience.  Unfortunately, either the seller you bought the phone from is shady, or else your phone was supposed to have gone to someone else and was lost/stolen in shipment before ending up in the seller's hands, so Verizon blacklisted the phone.  The only way to undo a blacklist is if the person who was meant to receive the phone originally asks for it to be removed, and it's pretty unlikely that this person could be found.  Your only hope is to get a refund from the seller, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have "disappeared".

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.