Enthusiast - Level 1

For some 25 years or so, I have been a loyal Verizon customer. Over the the last few years, they have worked really hard at destroying that loyalty. It may be time to bid farewell to a company that once seemed to care about customer service. My experience over the last few days has been dismal to say the least. For years I would be what is considered a promoter for Verizon. I have raised three children who are now adults and followed their fatherโ€™s advice to go with Verizon. I regret giving that advice. I once often referred Verizon to family, friends, and acquaintances. I regret that as well.  Initial repโ€™s I speak with do their best but their efforts are lost in the corporate fog of unconcern. Supervisors and decision-makers apparently donโ€™t have the care of fortitude to get directly involved. 

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep
@Onceloyal  wrote: For some 25 years or so, I have been a loyal Verizon customer. Over the the last few years, they have worked really hard at destroying that loyalty. It may be time to bid farewell to a company that once seemed to care about customer service.

We definitely value your 25 years of loyalty, and the promotion of our brand with your now adult children. It is certainly disheartening that a string of experiences has left you feeling regretful for the last 25-years of business, and we aim to help turn that around. Can you tell us more about these experiences? What issues continue to remain unresolved?
