E911 Address Error Message
Enthusiast - Level 1

i'm trying to activate the apple watch for FOUR days now. the same error message is generated when setting it up on the site from using my computer, the apple watch app and twice with two different representatives. THIS IS A VERIZON IT ISSUE THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED. on all forms, it says E911 Address' not found. I've tried 3 addresses.

12 Replies
Customer Service Rep

haudansa, we regret to learn you've not been able to get your Apple Watch activated as desired. We welcome the opportunity to address your inquiry. We just need some additional details. Has your Apple Watch already been assigned a phone number to NumberShare with your iPhone device? Does the correct E911 address show for your account in My Verizon as shown here:  https://www.verizon.com/support/knowledge-base-202066/? 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Did you ever get a solution to this problem?  I have the exact same issue.  My address is correct.  Verizon says it must match the USPS and gives a link.  It matches EXACTLY.   I am told by the chat person to just put some bogus address in there for my E911.  Really?  I'm supposed to put a bogus address into my account?  That doesn't seem right.  I don't want to set up my Apple Watch and put a bogus address in to E911 in my account just to make it work!  Whose address am I supposed to use?  They suggested work, I don't work in the same zip code as my home.  I have been here 20 years, why isn't the address valid???  Verizon please fix this!  I want to set up my smart watch I spent a lot of money on AND give you business!

And to the customer support person who replied, you put in your watch ID, you share it to a phone, you say you do or don't want device protection, you think you are all done, THEN it says your address is wrong for E911 and you can't continue!

Customer Service Rep

Making sure that your emergency address is correct is essential. I am sorry that you have been having trouble adding your address. Let's take a closer look into this to ensure we resolve the issue. 

You're correct, the address you provide must match the USPS registry. Here is a link to more details: https://www.verizon.com/support/knowledge-base-214957/?adobe_mc=MCMID%3D2632520418511059987205938552...

While I understand your frustration we do not manage the USPS registry. Have you validated your address in the USPS zip code tool? If so, what happens when you check?

Enthusiast - Level 2


What is the issue with your system and the inability for the largest cellular provider to be so incapable of allowing customers to recognize and confirm their own addresses for E911? I purchased an Apple Watch 6 and your system will not allow me to set up the device unless I provide a “valid address” for E911. Your system validates against the USPS system which I have confirmed carries my correct address. Important to note that the USPS system carries zip+4 but your system will NOT allow zip+4. Is that the root cause? It is absolutely unacceptable in today’s technology driven environment (and most recently to witness the takedown ability of a mobile network as happened recently in Nashville) to force customers to input a bogus address when relying on emergency services. You are literally risking people’s lives if your mobile network goes down and a customer must make an emergency call to 911 (God forbid they couldn’t speak) using a WiFi connection from home that misidentifies their location because of your system problems. Please get this issue fixed. 

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for confirming that you've tried the steps in the tread already, MichSophie! We are sending you a Private Note so that we can take a closer look at your account. Please respond to it so we can help!




Enthusiast - Level 1

I was wondering if there was ever a solution to this problem as I have tried everything everything in this thread and then some in the last day or two in order to get my Apple watch connected to cellular and it always gets stopped adding the 911 address. 

Customer Service Rep

Being able to connect and use your Apple Watch with your Verizon account is very important and we're sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems doing so. We apologize for yoru inconvenience and we'll do everything we can to assist you with getting this resolved. We've also noted your reference about experiencing problems connect ing to cellular and the syncing process stopping when you're attempting to add your 911 address. Can you tell us more about this matter? Have there been any recent changes with your phone? (e.g., software update, new apps downloaded, etc.) - RobertC_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am having this exact same issue and cannot get my apple watch set up on cellular. Has anyone had any luck? It keeps refusing my e911 address and I am losing my mind. I have tried everything. 

Customer Service Rep

Hello, FTF™, we want you to enjoy and get the most out of your Apple Watch. Allow us to gather more information to be on the same page. What error are you getting when entering the E911 Address? Is this watch for a new line or is it replacing an existing device?


Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm on day 2 of trying.  

Moderator Emeritus

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Customer Service Rep

We are sorry to hear that you are having issues with your device activation. In order to review this more please use the following link to verify your account here: By connecting with us, you grant us permission to review your services so we can offer you the best value. Refusing to authenticate will not impact your current services. It is your right and our duty to protect your account information. For quality, we may monitor and review this conversation. Please note, the link we provide has a timed expiration, so we encourage you to continue as soon as possible.

Authenticate and continue here:http://spr.ly/6001yJAqZ
