Iphone XR dropping calls, varying locations and times
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have had the iphone XR since December, and I recently started dropping calls while I have 2-3 bars of service.  I can be sitting in the same location and after 10 minutes the call drops ... then my phone loses connection to Verizon all together for a long time.  In some cases, the phone does not drop the call, but I can hear the other person perfectly and they cannot hear me at all.  The phone goes dead.

Soft resets, hard resets, resetting network settings, using airplane mode, lte data only, or ejecting SIM card = NONE of these solutions work. My iPhone 6 never had this problem. I also can be sitting next to other Verizon customers and their phones work perfectly. 

Please advise so that I don't need to move carriers. 

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep


We don't want to see you leave us for another, and can relate to how important it is that you maintain your call connections. Let's dig into this. What happened in the area or to your device right before the call concerns began? How are text and data services? Is there any liquid or physical damage to your device? Please use the following link as your guide: http://vz.to/1OscmM7


Enthusiast - Level 1
When this happens, the other person can no longer hear me even though I can hear them perfectly … or the call will drop all together. Sometimes the phone will lose connection to the Verizon network then comes back after 15 seconds to 30 minutes. In these 'outage' areas, I can still send text messages. I've been to the Apple store and there is nothing wrong with my phone... no water damage, all diagnostics are fine, etc. It has happened all over Omaha, NE, specific intersections include: Saddle Creek and Hamilton St 50th and Underwood Ave 64th and Dodge St 90th and Burt St
Customer Service Rep

I appreciate your continued cooperation. What is the model number on your iPhone XR? Here is a link with the steps to find it. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208200


When you lose connection does the phone show no service or searching? Does this ever happen when you are not on a call?



