Message+ out of the US

I'm trying to find a way to access iMessages from my American number while I'm studying abroad in Denmark. I'm using an e-sim here and it will only let me use one number at a time so I am trying to download the Message+ app so that I can access messages from that, but it's giving me an error when I request a pin code to validate my account. I currently have my American number and Verizon SIM switched on, and a VPN for California, but the app still won't send a pin code. Is there any possible way I can register an account while I'm overseas?

Additionally, does anyone know if I'll get charged by the day if I have dual sims turned on but made my international SIM card the primary network? 


1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hi swpollo.  We hope you are enjoying your traveling and studying abroad.  Staying connected is important.  The pin code cannot be bypassed as it is giving permission for the Message+ app to access your phone number and using the Messaging with Web Client has been discontinued as of 12/11/2023. 
