Failed autopay results in non-compliance fee?!
Enthusiast - Level 1

So I've been set up on autopay for a while, which gets me $10/line discount, for a total of $40/month. My autopay is set up to pull from my checking account on the 8th of every month. Well, in December, the 8th came and went, and no autopay was deducted from my account, which I didn't notice at the time. Then, after the bill's due date of the 12th came, I received a late payment notice from Verizon. So, I logged in and confirmed that my autopay settings were still correct, which they were. But, since my bill was now past due, I paid it directly using my credit card. Lo and behold, I just got this month's bill, and they charge me a $40 "Autopay non-compliance fee"!.  So basically, Verizon failed to pull my payment on the 8th, then they sent me a late notice, which I paid, and then they charged me $40 for paying by credit card instead of using autopay!

Anyone else ever have anything like that happen? I spent over an hour with an agent trying to get it worked out, and finally they credited back the $40 to my account. They never could explain why they failed to process the autopay on the 8th, nor, once that happened, how I should have handled paying my late bill without incurring such a non-compliance fee.

I'm amazed at the incompetence.

2 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

I had the exact same issue happen to me... 

I do not recall ever being notified that the auto-pay was cancelled by Verizon either by text or email other than the notification that my bill was overdue and subject to late fees...

Not sure what will happen now... hmmm...



Customer Service Rep

spectre1129 We want to assist with your concern. Was the Auto pay set up when you checked your account after the payment date passed? ~Peter