Management of +Play after wireless port out
Enthusiast - Level 2

I recently ported my number from verizon to a different carrier. Though, I am still a Verizon Fios customer.

I found that I couldn't be able to access +play Manage tab after porting out. According to below FAQ from Verizon, I should be able to continue to manage +play subscription. Is there anyone who received email from Verizon on how to keep using +play?

If you cancel your Verizon mobile and/or home accounts you can continue to use +play and manage your subscriptions through the My Verizon website. Your +play subscriptions will continue, but you may no longer be eligible for the perks and promotions that were available with your Verizon account.


  • If you use your Verizon phone number as your user name to log in to your account, you'll need a different user name.
  • We'll email you instructions about how to keep using +play.
  • If your subscription prices were tied to your Verizon mobile or home plan, the monthly prices will change to stand-alone pricing.
  • You're still bound to the content provider agreements for purchases you made through +play.
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5 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello, MarvinPA. So sorry to hear you have canceled but help is still here. I see you stated that you are not able to access it. Please tell me more. What happens when you attempt to log in? Are you using your actual username (not the phone number) and your password to access the site? Please DO NOT provide any login info in your message. 


Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Natasha,

I can login with username since I am a Fios customer. When I try to click +play Manage tab, I get below message:


I can't do anything further.

When I try to login with my phone number, I am redirected to "sign in to disconnected mobile account"



Though I provide correct information, I always get message "The information you entered does not match our files."

Is there anyway to manage +play subscription after porting out?

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate the additional details. Had you used your Fios login for +play before?


Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Freddy,

As I was a customer both for wireless and for Fios before porting out , I could login either with username or with my number. I believe that I did use +play when I logged in regardless of whether I logged in with username or number. Currently, I am subscribing to AMC+ and Netflix.

After porting out, I am only a Fios user, not wireless user any more and lost access +play Manage tab as my screenshot shows.  Should I wait until Verizon send email me regarding how to use +play as FAQ says?


Customer Service Rep

I would suggest you wait for the email MarvinPA. ~Peter