Overcharging and executive relations not helping

Hi all,

I had rebates removed erroneously from my account when a new line was added and then despite 5 calls over 4 months, and always being assured that it would fix itself in the next billing cycle it wasn’t. In fact, chargebacks (unexplained) were added totaling ~$1000 were added. Customer service advised me to pay the full bill (4x my normal monthly and that credits would be added back in the future). I have no trust in that happening. After contacting executive relations they initially removed the fees but then said their reps would be adding credits back so the charges would come back. One line of the three was fixed and again I was advise to pay the bill in full (now $1500) to avoid late fees. I’ve been paying the normal bill but late fees (due to Verizon’s error) keep getting added and now two months after contacting executive relations, phone line charges have been added without the credits. I went ahead and paid the bill (despite it being really tough on my finances) since Verizon has said they cannot give extensions anymore and will suspend my account when discussing with customer service.

anyone else in this situation? I’m about to leave Verizon since I’ve gotten over  charged for 6 months with no resolution. 

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hello, Amyblin8, we appreciate your loyalty over the years and don't want to see you go. We want to help ensure that you are charged correctly. So we can best assist, we will be reaching out via Private Message.
