Price Changes
Enthusiast - Level 2

I’ve been a customer with Verizon wireless for a long time, from even when my parents paid for my phone. I was incredibly happy with my plan, but Verizon keeps changing the plan names and trying to get me to convert to the new one. In order for me to change I’d lose my Apple Music and Disney Plus subscriptions unless I start paying extra. I refused to change plans and suddenly there’s a $4 monthly increase, suspicious, then they tell me my AutoPay discount is being cut in half. How is this legal? My service has been getting worse every year, dropping to SoS mode in my own house. I’m at the point where it may be better if I change providers. Has anyone else experienced this? Feels like a big corporation punishing loyal customers for being happy with one of their services. 

32 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hi Nikd731, we want to make sure you have the best service where you need it most. Can you tell me more about any troubleshooting that has been done for your indoor coverage such as WiFi or a network extender? 


Enthusiast - Level 2

I use WiFi primarily at home now because in my house I have 2 bars or Less of 5G. Can barely play video. And occasionally dropping lower than that. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I just got the same email.  I've had the worst service,  too. Dropped calls, calls & texts not going through and the internet is atrocious now.  I feel like I am on AOL dial-up plan! My whole family of six has the 5G Play More plan (grandfathered in) and I swear they are trying to force us out of it with the $4 increase and now the stupid autopay discount going from $10 to $5. I'm ready to switch just on principle alone. 

Customer Service Rep

We understand the importance of being properly informed about the charges and benefits associated with your plan. We will be glad to help. We sent a Private Message to assist you. 


Enthusiast - Level 2

Geo, would you like to share with the rest of us the private message that you sent regarding these predatory price changes?  Trying to force long-time customers into inferior plans? Verizon is being greedy.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Me too my bill is now over $400 per month!!  I’m only paying on like 2 phones and with the credit it’s $ 10.00 yet my bill has gone up $75.00 this year alone.  

i am shopping around too.  It’s not worth it anymore!  

Enthusiast - Level 2

Exactly, I have the 5G Get More plan and feel like since they introduced the new plans they’ve been trying to strong arm me into changing plans. The fact that the autopay discount is staying $10 for the new plans is kind of all the proof we need. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

It's so incredibly frustrating! I've also been a long time customer and the auto pay discount being decreased to try and force me into a "new" more expensive plan is total b u l l. I'll be shopping new providers for sure.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I can’t count how many times in the last two months I’ve had zero bars. Their service has deteriorated and now they want us to give up our decent plans by increasing prices and cutting our autopay discounts in half. It’s punitive and manipulative.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Yes, I have been having the same disappointing experience with Verizon in the past 3 years. Can't get a decent service/reception indoors in most of  Atlanta. I have 5 lines in my family plan and thinking to switch to another carrier soon.

Enthusiast - Level 2

These few changes are appearing predatory to force plan changes.  Getting really frustrating as a Verizon customer definitely won’t renew once my contracts expire.

Enthusiast - Level 2

It’s predatory and plain greedy. I am so disgusted right now. Shame on Verizon!!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I just received the email as well saying that the discount is dropping to $5/line if I don’t switch plans. If I don’t switch to a crappier plan then my bill goes up $25/month. What a crock. I hope Verizon loses a ton of customers because of garbage like this. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

it costs them very little to service a line. This is just their way to gouge it to their most loyal customers.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Clearly it’s an issue, and Verizon must know it is an issue. I just got the email they are cutting my auto pay discount in half unless I change over to a new plan. And Verizon won’t do anything about it unless enough people come forward. I’m thinking of going to try out mint mobile here soon if Verizons service keeps going down hill and they want us to pay more for it. They must be trying to get on the shrink-flation bandwagon.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Now I know why they have been blowing up my email to get me to buy a new iPhone. That puts people on the hook for another 3-4 years. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same, been a Verizon customer for something like 7-8 years. Brought my entire family over and some quick math has us paying ~$18K for just the plan in that time. That doesn’t include their bogus fees or the phones and iPads and watches we’ve gotten (multiple of each) over the years. Just for fun,  I’ve posted a line of their 2024 Q2 quarterly release where they brag about how many billions they’re making and how much they’ve increased revenue.

There are right ways and wrong ways to increase revenue. Drawing in more households is a right way,  Price increases for less service / product is absolutely the wrong way. I have scheduled a call with them tomorrow to discuss paying off my family’s devices before cancelling our account. 


“Total wireless service revenue1 of $19.8 billion, a 3.5 percent increase year over year.”

Enthusiast - Level 1

On the backs of the middle class already dealing with high living expenses!  

Enthusiast - Level 2

20+ year customer here. I carry all the lines for all the devices of my entire family...well over $300/no as is. I was relatively satisfied until about 2020.

The last 4 years is problem after problem. TOTAL lack of service. CS reps / techs without a clue of what they're doing. Broken promises. Unexpected charges. "Lost" returns. Device credits magically disappear. No one can explain a bill.  Prices just keep going up yet offering less. Poor service..forced changes (is that contractually legal?) LESS VALUE ALL AROUND!

Let's talk alternative carriers. Anyone have suggestions? I'm ready to break up 💔

Enthusiast - Level 2

100% I’m ready to jump ship any time. I pay in full my devices so they don’t have me by the bawls.

Literally the reason I keep my plan is for Disney and Apple Music. I can buy some cheap pre-pay and subscribe to those services myself and save money.

Who’s your next top pick? I’m thinking check out Ryan Reynolds company.. mofo is everywhere on YouTube peddling it, can’t be any worse than this garbage.