[URGENT] Verizon BYOD Credit Billing Issue - 3 months with no resolution!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm at the end of my rope with Verizon...  Let me start out by saying that I don't know what happened to this company, but their customer service used to be the best of the mobile providers, and now I can confirm it is 100% the worst.  I have never received such poor customer service in my life as I have received from Verizon over the last two months.  In fact, it is so bad, that I think I might change providers and pay more, just to never deal with them again...  Here is my story:

A couple of months ago, I received an offer to move to one of the new plans from the existing "5G Do More" plan that I have been on.  I selected Unlimited Ultimate (their top plan) because of the free "Travel Pass" offer, since I travel a lot, even though it was $20/month more expensive than "Do More".  I went through the website and upgraded my plan, everything went smoothly.

A couple of weeks went by and I received a weird email telling me that my BYOD credits ($14 per month per line - $28 total in my case) would be removed because I changed plans, even though I went to a higher plan.  This made absolutely no sense, so I contacted customer service via chat.  They confirmed this was a mistake, and that there was no issue.

I then got to the end of the month and received my bill.  To my horror, my BYOD credits had been removed.  I immediately contacted Verizon and they told me I would have to switch back to my old plan to get the credits reapplied.  Obviously this was incredibly annoying, as I had already checked and was told the complete opposite.  Regardless, I agreed to move back and was told it would be like "nothing happened" and my account would go back to exactly the way it was before.

That was two months ago, and I STILL do not have my BYOD credits.  I have called/contacted via chat, no less than 10 times, and each time it goes like this:

1) I have to tell the entire story over again.  2) They check the notes.  3) They agree I should be getting the credits.  4) They say they will "submit a form" and the credits will be added in 5-7 days.  5) Absolutely nothing happens and I have to go back to square 1 and start over.

At this point my bill is due again and I am still being overcharged by at least $28 per month.  I can't get a person on the phone or on chat with any authority whatsoever.  All that happens is I get the same unknowledgeable agents, with the same excuses, and no clue how to solve my issue.

Here's what I need to have happen...

1) All credits need to applied to my bill, retroactive to September 1.

2) I want to speak to someone with actual authority and knowledge to solve my issue.

3) I want to know what happened to the great customer service from years ago with Verizon and how it turned into the garbage that exists today.  It's a disgrace, and whoever is responsible should be ashamed for destroying what used to be a great customer experience.

If anyone can point me in the right direction to get this escalated, I would sincerely appreciate it. Thanks!

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2 Replies

File a complaint to the BBB, who will then contact Verizon, and then someone from Verizon who can actually fix this will call you.

Enthusiast - Level 2

File a claim with Better Business Bureau