Verizon codes


What does #51 mean and what it does and the same with *51 because I am not able to receive my faxes.

Thank you

2 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

Hi Asmith, welcome! 🙂

The * (star) and # (hashtag) are vertical service codes (VSC) sometimes refered to as Custom Local Area Signaling Services (CLASS codes) or Local Area Signalling Services (LASS). In this Wiki reference *51 is used to create a short intercom ring, but that is in the Pac-Bell area.

Note at the begining of the list on the wiki reference page it states:

"The following are the VSCs generally used in the North American Numbering Plan. Not all of these services are available in all areas, and some are only available to landline or cellular telephones. Some require additional services be purchased from the telephone company to use them."

The * (star) usually activates, and the # (hashtag) usually deactivates a service. In your case though, they activate and deactivate a different kind of service; Do you own and operate a Brother Fax machine?

Fron page 55 of this manual for a Brother MFC 9030 machine:

"Remote Codes might not work with some telephone systems. The preset Activation Code is *51. The preset Deactivation Code is  #51.

If you are always disconnected when accessing your external TAD remotely, try changing the Activation Code from *51 to # # # and the Deactivation Code from #51 to 111.

You cannot use the same number for the Activation Code and the Deactivation Code and the Remoto Access Code."

If your machine isn't the one above, I would suggest referencing your Fax machine manual, look for "Advanced Receiving Operation from an External or Extension Telephone." as on page 54 of the Brother MFC 9030 manual.

All things considered, and your not able to receive your faxes, it looks like you should at the least have *51 entered as your preset, but there are caveats:

  • Do you have fax service with Vz?
  • The codes may be different with Vz.
  • The codes may not work with the Vz service they may be different.

If one of the moderators doesn't elevate your situation, you may want to call Vz customer service.

Your welcome.

Contributor - Level 1

You may also want to check this thread: Setting up a Fax machine especially Hubrisnxs's post.
