CR1000A IPV4 port forwarding
Enthusiast - Level 2

I just received my CR1000A router and I'm replacing a  G1100 router. I'm trying to set up my port forwards and all the other customizations I made in the G1100, but I'm hitting a wall. In the port forward rules, I can enter ANY as a port range, as in Any>21 for FTP. However, I am unable to select the port forward rules in the port forwarding screen, and I am also unable to enter ANY as a port range in the port forwarding screen. The error message I receive is "Original Port: The input of port has illegal characters. Destination port should be 111, or 111-222, or 111,222-333 and so on."  Am I missing something?  

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4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Well, I found something that might work. I haven't installed the router yet, It's still on my bench.  So first I tried using source ports 1-65535 but I received an error that port 4567 was blocked, then that port 4577was blocked. However, when I entered ports 1-4566,4568-4576,4578-65535 it allowed that. So, I guess we'll see if this is a valid workaround once I get it installed. I'll report back, I can't be the only person having this problem.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Starting on 3.1.x.x firmware on G3100/CR1000A/B, the Port Forwarding mechanism was re-implemented. As of today (March 24, 2024), Port Forwarding Rules are no longer relevant in the configuration of Port Forwarding for IPv4, but is still relevant for the Pin Hole configuration for IPv6.

Speaking purely technically, the high level port forwarding mechanism remains the same, where you have ANY-> TCP 21 on the WAN side, which needs to be forwarded to the TCP 21 port on a host in the LAN. To facilitate a non-changing IP, DHCP static reservation is highly recommended over static IP assignment on the device.

Worrying about the security aspects, plain FTP is highly insecure and exposes you to security vulnerabilities. You at least to use FTP over TLS or FTP in an IPsec tunnel. Fios/Verizon Routers all provide IPsec/IKEv2 VPN passthrough.

Enthusiast - Level 2


Thanks for the reply. The issue I'm having is that I cannot type or select "ALL" for a source port. Additionally, the idea I had or adding all ports to the source port did not work.  Can you help me figure out exactly how to ad IPv4 port forwards? Do I need to add the exception to the firewall somehow? If so, I haven't figured out how to.


Was anyone able to get port forward working ? I need to forward a couple ports but my router only wants to open port 65535