HELP - Daily WAN disconnects

Enthusiast - Level 3

I had posted earlier under another account that wasn't linked to my Verizon account and couldn't edit. So reposting.


Hello, hoping the community has some ideas. Verizon is super difficult to get support and their support team doesn't seem to have much knowledge. Have spent hours on the phone and have had two techs visit.


I lose my internet connection 1-2 times a day for 4-5 minutes. All connections both wired and wireless. Happens any time of the day or night(even when all computers and most devices are turned off (unplugged). I have tried to time it so I could see the lights on the ONT, haven't seen any errors there yet visually. It usually is recovering by time I realize and run to the ONT.

Verizon has:

Replaced the Router, ONT and fixed an issue at the pole (fiber was lose), cleaned the fiber ends, did a light test - no difference

I have:

Tried my own router plugged directly into the ONT - eliminating the G3100

Moved the router to be beside the ONT plugged with a new LAN cable - eliminating LAN cabling

Have updated my WAN ip

Changed to use a public DNS - at the G3100 and on my own router when plugged in

Disconnected all devices (removed all IOT) and only allowed a few - same issue

Ran a constant ping to google - when the outage first happens says no reply, then after a minute it shows the WAN gateway IP then gives no reply errors for another minutes or so no longer than 4 minutes.

Router logs (latest outage, logs are similar with each event):

Advanced Log - 

2021 Aug 29 01:56:38 arc_cloud notice [CLOUD.5][ADV] Internet is back!
2021 Aug 29 01:56:38 arc_cloud info [CLOUD.6][ADV] ping WAN & cloud test link .. OK
2021 Aug 29 01:55:09 arc_cloud warning [CLOUD.4][ADV] cloud test link failed, try again
2021 Aug 29 01:55:09 arc_cloud err [CLOUD.3][ADV] curl_easy_perform() failed:(6) Error.
2021 Aug 29 01:53:41 arc_cloud warning [CLOUD.4][ADV] cloud test link failed, try again
2021 Aug 29 01:53:41 arc_cloud err [CLOUD.3][ADV] curl_easy_perform() failed:(6) Error.
2021 Aug 29 01:53:00 arc_cloud info [CLOUD.6][ADV] ping WAN OK, then check cloud test link.
2021 Aug 29 01:53:00 arc_cloud notice [CLOUD.5][ADV] We Re-check Internet!
2021 Aug 29 01:53:00 arc_cloud err [CLOUD.3][ADV] curl_easy_perform() failed:(6) Error.
2021 Aug 29 02:21:00 info [WAN.6][WDHCP] renew IP: 98.xx.xx.217
2021 Aug 29 01:55:43 wan_detection info [WAN.6][WDHCP] eth4 arping to 98.xx.xx.1 fail.
2021 Aug 29 01:54:42 wan_detection info [WAN.6][WDHCP] eth4 arping to 98.xx.xx.1 fail.
2021 Aug 29 00:51:01 info [WAN.6][WDHCP] renew IP: 98.xx.xx.217

I also receive an alert that my Ring system is on cellular backup which lags a little from the logs above

1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 3


Verizon replaced the PON Card yesterday afternoon when I experienced my last outage.

16+ hours of stability so far, looks promising. They no longer see any network errors as well.

Kudos to @ (for the support on & offline and helping escalate), and to Alex @Verison_support for diagnosing and dispatching. Also big thank you to the community for all the suggestions and creativity. 

View solution in original post

16 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Your log suggests the issue is still above your router.

Lights on the ONT will be especially helpful if you can capture them on a periodic outage. Can you place a security camera or alike pointing towards the ONT to capture the lights during an outage?

During an outage, please note the NTWK, MGMT, and FAIL lights. Also notice whether the DATA light is unlit.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I've been looking for a fail light, I'll grab a picture next time even if the fail is not lit as it may help.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Did the field technician replace your ONT power unit as well? Do you have multimeter at home to test the output voltage? (electricity is danger, be aware of electric shock.)

Community Leader
Community Leader

I was wondering if voltage drop would cause the ONT to reboot, particularly if the ONT is sharing an electrical circuit with a device such as an air conditioner or some along those lines.  🤔

Enthusiast - Level 3

Voltage is good, ONT doesn't completely reboot. I have ran to it when the internet goes down, it is still lit up and in the logs of the router, I only get WAN connect errors for 1-2 minutes. Not enough time for the ONT to completely recycle.

Community Leader
Community Leader

If there is POTS and/or Cable TV services present, do they experience any disruptions? ðŸ¤”

Community Leader
Community Leader

I just saw that the OP is also receiving assistance over on DSL Reports. The power source seems to be a common suspect between both websites.  🤔

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yes he changed the power as well. I went from the old with the big battery to the smaller black unit, so all is replaced.

Enthusiast - Level 3

UPDATE: I had an outage this afternoon and was able to watch the ONT through the whole outage, and recorded on video.


10/100/1000 link light was blinking once a second like a heartbeat with no data traversing (expected with the internet down)
Carrier/Link light was blinking, then went solid
While the Carrier/Link light was solid - the Data light went out (about 5 seconds)
Data light came back on, Carrier/Link light started blinking again (more normal looking)
10/100/1000 link light had the heartbeat blink for about 3 minutes before returning to normal fast rapid blinks as the internet was restored

Did not observe any error lights, no other lights went out or changed.
About an hour before I plugged the ONT directly into the wall from the UPS.

Router logs - captured advanced logs, no WAN DHCP Fails this time, sometimes I don't get a fail there, most times I do. Wonder if I see different lights if it fails.

Advanced Logs
2021 Aug 30 15:51:34 arc_cloud notice[CLOUD.5][ADV] Internet is back!
2021 Aug 30 15:51:34 arc_cloud info [CLOUD.6][ADV] ping WAN & cloud test link .. OK
2021 Aug 30 15:49:44 arc_cloud warning [CLOUD.4][ADV] cloud test link failed, try again
2021 Aug 30 15:49:44 arc_cloud err [CLOUD.3][ADV] curl_easy_perform() failed:(6) Error.
2021 Aug 30 15:48:38 arc_cloud info [CLOUD.6][ADV] ping WAN OK, then check cloud test link.
2021 Aug 30 15:48:38 arc_cloud notice [CLOUD.5][ADV] We Re-check Internet!
2021 Aug 30 15:48:38 arc_cloud err [CLOUD.3][ADV] curl_easy_perform() failed:(6) Error.

Community Leader
Community Leader

DATA light went out should suggest the link is broken between the ONT and the router. I doubt your router would break the link, it should be your ONT breaking the link. Then why does the ONT break the link, maybe something related to low DC supply voltage or some interference.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Another outage through the night, similar logs.

What I changed this morning based on some feedback.

I was still using the old LAN cable from the G3100 to an Eero router. From the Eero router I had another line that I recently ran to a hub where I plug in my PC and Work laptop. The Eero serves my WiFi, I have WiFi disabled on the G3100. (I have tried removing the Eero and using the G3100 alone and vice versa. I only have the G3100 hooked up for the monitoring logs since this started)


Bypassed all pre-run cables
I now have the ONT plugged into the G3100 on a new cable side by side.
New cable ran from the G3100 to the Eero router
Plugged the ONT into a new outlet (isolated, nothing else sharing the circuit)
My Work laptop and PC are now on WiFi not using any local pre-run LAN cables

Will monitor and report back.. thank you for the suggestions and support folks!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Another outage...

This time I did get a WAN Detection Fail error

2021 Aug 31 13:19:21 wan_detection info [WAN.6][WDHCP] eth4 arping to fail.
I also see other local DHCP traffic in the logs during that outage window.

2021 Aug 31 13:19:23 dhcpd info [LDHCP] DHCPRELEASE of from {device MAC address} via br-lan (not found)
2021 Aug 31 13:19:21 dhcpd info [LDHCP] DHCPACK on to {device MAC address} (eero) via br-lan
2021 Aug 31 13:19:21 dhcpd info [LDHCP] DHCPREQUEST for ( from {device MAC address} (eero) via br-lan 
2021 Aug 31 13:19:21 dhcpd info [LDHCP] DHCPOFFER on to {device MAC address} (eero) via br-lan
2021 Aug 31 13:19:21 dhcpd info [LDHCP] DHCPDISCOVER from {device MAC address} via br-lan
2021 Aug 31 13:19:10 dhcpd info[LDHCP] DHCPRELEASE of from {device MAC address} (eero) via br-lan (found)
2021 Aug 31 13:18:37 dhcpd info [LDHCP] DHCPRELEASE of from {device MAC address} via br-lan (not found)
Enthusiast - Level 3


I had a 60 minute outage through the night which I'm hoping is related to the service call to look at the PON Line & Card. I haven't heard anything new to say for sure.

This afternoon I had a 30 min outage. During that outage the following lights were observed on the ONT
- All WAN lights dark, Red VID light illuminated.
- Then I had sporadic connection and the Red FAIL light was lighting up off and on

I have not had an outage like that before so may not be related to my initial issue. I haven't seen that there was a global outage.image

Enthusiast - Level 3


Verizon replaced the PON Card yesterday afternoon when I experienced my last outage.

16+ hours of stability so far, looks promising. They no longer see any network errors as well.

Kudos to @ (for the support on & offline and helping escalate), and to Alex @Verison_support for diagnosing and dispatching. Also big thank you to the community for all the suggestions and creativity. 

Community Leader
Community Leader

That's wonderful.

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