Enthusiast - Level 1

I have the G3100 router with Gigabit Service, which is supposed to include the McAfee Home Network Protection feature. However,  The HNP is not working at all any longer . It shows No devies connected however there are multiple devices that are on line.  I set  teen and Kids Schedules to turn off the wifi conections  but these devices remained connected.  I cannot get this feature to work at all any longer.  The only way to disconnect it is to change the network name and change the password everytime, which is not funtionall  and not the correct way at all.

I've tried: 

1) Factory reset of router.

2) Uninstalling and re-installing the MyFios App. 

3) The disable/enable HNP under "Accounts & Settings" ->

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5 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

Any update here? I am having the same issue… 

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same issue here. Tech support is no help. Started for me this past Friday, I think.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same exact issue started out of the blue. Now I have schedules set I'd like to change and can't get access to make any changes. Wack....might go back to xfinity

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same issue!!!! I blocked internet access to my ps5 last Friday. I’m unable to unblock the internet access through the app. It’s giving me the error message over and over. When I reset the router, it’s work for a couple minutes then back to blocked internet access. I need help unblocking the internet to the ps5!!!!! 


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