Home Protection Network Not Working
Enthusiast - Level 2

Need some help. I managed devices with the old Fios app fine. When they got rid of it, the Hone Protection Network inside of the Verizon App worked for me for awhile. More clunky and the app froze a lot more, but it still worked.

Now however, it stopped working. First, it just showed that nothing was connected, which was false. Then it stopped loading the page all together when I click on it.

The dilemma I now have is I cannot unblock or change schedules to devices or restrict new ones. 

I need help! Thanks.

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6 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

now I am getting a message saying framework  hnp error 0. 
someone help. This app has been useless to me for 2 months now

Enthusiast - Level 2

Still getting the same errors

Enthusiast - Level 1

I see that Verizon has been super helpful with fixing your problem 🙄.   I’ve had the same issue too. The Home Network Protection has not worked right ever since they changed the app last year. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on the phone with them, it never did get resolved.  Sorry I could not be more helpful, but if I figure out a way to fix it, I will come back on here and let you know.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am having the same issue. When I try to open home network protection from the My Verizon App, it gives not connected message.

I have performed Factory Reset, performed remote reboot, reinstalled the app, changed WiFi names but the problem continues to persists and the existing schedules are not getting deleted.  Last time, the schedules stopped working but I was able to reset the scheduled. This time, it is worst.

I will keep trying as I donot think Verizon customer service has the ability to fix. Something is wrong with the app.


I’ve been receiving an error message that says try again later for a week. I can’t change schedules or see devices essentially rendering the protection useless. 


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