Problems setting up internet-only self-install fios service
Enthusiast - Level 2

I recently moved to an apartment with a pre-existing fios ONT installed (but no leftover fios router) and chose an internet-only package. Because of this, I was able to elect to self-install and use my own router. The activation date of my service is today, January 22nd.

Last night I called to make sure I had everything I needed and was not waiting for additional equipment. The service representative confirmed that since the ONT is already here, all I need to do is plug my router in to any ethernet port in my unit after midnight (I specifically asked what time). She then tried to sell me a $40 TV package. I politely declined, thanked her for her time, and hung up.

This morning, I tried setting up the router. I plugged it in to the ethernet port to find that it was not receiving internet. After scouring the forums, I learned that by default, the ONT outputs a coaxial signal, not ethernet, meaning that unless I use their router and/or TV package, I cannot receive internet. The forum posts I found indicate that the only way around this is to spend about 45 minutes trying to convince support to send a technician out to swap the output of the ONT. Is this the case, or is there something else I can do?


8 Replies
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Much of what you've read is outdated and just plain wrong.

Check the status lights on the ONT.  They should tell you if it's been provisioned.

Default for new installs is Ethernet WAN.

All ONTs support coax WAN and Ethernet WAN.  If it is really provisioned for coax, it's a five minute process call to get it switched.  No need to replace the ONT to switch to Ethernet.  If you really have coax WAN, contact support by chat or for best results.  Phone techs may not be as helpful.

If it's an old BPON ONT, it only supports speeds up to 75 or 100Mbps.  If you ordered a faster speed you need a GPON ONT.  It must be installed by a Verizon tech.  They should have caught this during the ordering process, so it's unlikely this is an issue.  Google i-211m-l to see what a GPON ONT looks like.

Good Luck.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you for the response!

I am not home at the moment, but based on the pictures on Google, I have the correct ONT. Does this mean it should probably be configured for Ethernet already? In that case, I am not sure what is wrong with the way I have it set up. 

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They can provision it for either coax WAN or Ethernet WAN.  They typically do Ethernet for new installs, but it is possible it got configured for coax WAN.  No way to know without looking at the lights and/or contacting them.

If it is on coax WAN, it's a quick process to switch.  Use chat or the VZ direct link and they'll take care of you.

When you get back to it, look at the lights.  You should be able to tell if it's even been provisioned.

Good Luck.

Enthusiast - Level 2

The PWR, BAT, NTWK, and MGMT lights are on. The MoCA light is not. Does that mean it's provisioned for Ethernet WAN?

Enthusiast - Level 2

Okay scratch that. I've got it working, but there is an issue.

The ONT is in a compartment on my wall, and the Ethernet cable attached to it runs up into another panel containing a set of ports that I assume are wired through the walls into the Ethernet ports around my apartment (8 in total).

In order to get internet, I had to disconnect the Ethernet cable from the receiver in the wall panel and connect it directly to my router (so now the ONT and router are directly connected).

Do you have any idea why none of the ports on my wall are working?

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You have to figure out which cable is going to the room you want to connect the router. Do all the cable have connectors on them or the un-terminated?

If they do have connectors on them you can plug router in the desired room and plug one in a time to the ONT. The link lights on the ONT will come on when you get the right one. 
If they don’t have connectors you will need some ethernet tools. A cable tester, RJ45 crimper, and a 110 punch down tool. Otherwise you’ll have to call Verizon to send someone out. 

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You can find very basic Ethernet testers online for not a lot of money.  They will confirm proper wiring, but not much else.  Perfect for this type of problem.

If you do need your wiring worked on and you don't want to do it yourself, I suggest not calling Verizon.  They take a very basic approach to running cables.  They likely will not use your existing Ethernet panel.  The will probably run a cable along the outside of the wall from the ONT to the router.  If you want an in-wall installation and want to re-use the existing cables, try finding a network or home theater installer.  They'll do a better job.

Also, you'll need an Ethernet switch in or near the panel if you want to enable more than one jack in your apartment.

Good Luck.

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That is 100% incorrect. Verizon or any other service provider is not going to run wiring throughout the apartment when there is ethernet/coax in a panel at the ONT. If there is in-wall wiring at the panel then that’s what they will use.